Slayers of Rings § Crowns

Avenger Class Combat Ability Tree


Avenger Class Combat Ability Tree

The Avenger is a formidable and versatile class, driven by righteousness and heed to the aid of others. Unless dying, they’ll heal others in their party, before themselves. Avengers are of good nature and good to lawful alignment as well. Any Avengers that strays from good, and they may, become Fallen and lose spiritual support from Gods and Deitess alike; however, they may gain evil powers from promising evil Demons and Demoness…

Avengers possess a deep sense of purpose and justice, capable of channeling divine energy to enhance their abilities. They can dish out damage, maintain control, and protect allies. However, their strict codes of conduct or moral obligations may limit certain actions or alliances. The Avenger may be vulnerable to magical effects targeting divine or holy beings…

At Level 5, Avenger the three Subclasses to choose from, are as follows: Cleric | Monk | Priest



Cleric Subclass | 5.1 – 5.3

The Cleric subclass represents an Avenger who has embraced their divine connection, becoming a beacon of faith. They channel divine powers to heal, protect, and guide others. As frontline combatants, Cleric Avengers employ their melee combat prowess and tanking options alongside divine spells to bolster and protect allies, while they smite enemies.

Divine Penance

Level 5.1:

  • One choice of these 3:
    • 1. Crusader’s Strike: Perform a melee attack that deals extra damage to fiends or undead, marking them for divine judgment. note
    • 2. Vengeful Radiance: Unleash a burst of divine light that deals damage to an enemy and temporarily blinds them. note
    • 3. Righteous Judgment: Call upon divine power to deal a small amount of damage to an enemy and reveal any hidden or invisible foes in the area. note

Level 5.2:

  • One choice of these 3:
    • 1. Judgmental Burst: Emit a wave of divine energy that damages enemies within a short radius and allows you to heal an ally for a portion of the damage dealt. note
    • 2. Avenging Darkness: Channel divine energy to create an area that saps enemies’ strength, dealing damage over time to foes and boosting your allies’ attack power within. note
    • 3. Holy Retribution: Smite an enemy with a divine attack that reflects a portion of the damage they dealt back at them. note

Level 5.3:

  • One choice of these 3:
    • 1. Divine Execution: Deliver a powerful melee attack infused with holy energy that deals heavy damage and causes the target to be vulnerable to further attacks. note
    • 2. Avenger’s Ward: Create a protective barrier around yourself that not only absorbs damage but also retaliates against attackers with radiant damage. note
    • 3. Vengeful Spirit: Summon a spectral figure that targets an enemy, dealing damage over time while also giving you a percentage of the damage dealt back as healing. note


Level 1

Avenger Level 1 – Choose Only 1

  • 1. Judgment Cut: A swift melee attack that delivers moderate damage and reduces the target’s attack power for one turn.
    • At level 1: -1 AP from target
    • At level 2: -2 AP from target
    • At level 3: +1 damage and -1 from target
    • At level 4: +2 damage and -2 from target
    • At level 5: +1d6 damage and -1d6 AP from target


  • 2. Reckoning Blade: Strike with increased vigor, dealing extra damage to enemies who have recently attacked you.
    • At level 1: +1 damage if target attacked you last turn
    • At level 2: +2 damage if target attacked you last turn
    • At level 3: Double damage if target is at half health
    • At level 4: Restore 1 AP if target is defeated
    • At level 5: +1d6 damage and gain temporary immunity to damage from that target for one turn


  • 3. Vengeful Thrust: A thrusting attack that deals damage and creates a barrier of energy, reducing incoming damage for one turn.
    • At level 1: 1 damage and -1 incoming damage for 1 turn
    • At level 2: 3 damage and -2 incoming damage for 1 turn
    • At level 3: Create a barrier that absorbs 3 damage
    • At level 4: +5 damage and half damage taken next turn
    • At level 5: Impose -1d6 on enemy strikes for 1 turn
