Slayers of Rings § Crowns

Into The Unchartered Worlds of Essentia

Slayers of Rings § Crowns Abilities, Talents and Sills

Into the Uncharted Worlds of Essentia

Traverse through extraordinary journeys in SorC’s “Into the Uncharted Worlds of Essentia.” This invaluable tool by Ogre Adventurer will transport you through the captivating solar system, introducing you to its 13 planets, including the starting point for your epic campaigns, the 4th planet, Zailister.

Within the pages of this book, Game Masters (known as Directing Avatars) and players (Player Avatars) will uncover a trove of knowledge about Zailister and its captivating continents: Arctis, Nivis, Terra, Glacieria, Natura, and Aestus. Immerse yourself in these breathtaking landscapes and their diverse ecosystems, each with its unique challenges and potential rewards.

Navigate the treacherous peaks of the Valkyrie Mountains in Arctis, braving freezing temperatures and blizzards that can strike at any moment. Explore the lush forests and canyons of Nivis, where the mighty Nivis Mountains loom overhead, promising grand adventures. Discover the secrets within the tropical paradise of Terra, with its sandy beaches, dense rainforests, and the aweinspiring Terra Mountains.

Journey through the icy tundras and glaciers of Glacieria, facing the harshest winters and setting foot upon the solar system’s secondhighest peak, Mt. Olympus. Venture into the humid subtropical landscapes of Natura, with its rolling hills, deep rivers, and enchanting woods, where mythical creatures and puzzling structures reside. And finally, brave the scorching deserts and barren plains of Aestus, searching for hidden oases amidst the blistering heat.

As you delve deeper into the book, you will encounter a myriad of playable races and countless Hosting Avatars, both nonplayer characters and fearsome monsters, ready to challenge and aid you on your journeys. Whether you take the Archetype Path of a hero, a villain, or something in between, the Acting Avatars (Player Characters) you create will become legends in their own right.

“Into the Uncharted Worlds of Essentia” unravels the mysteries of Zailister but provides Directing Avatars and Player Avatars with the tools they need to weave compelling campaigns and memorable adventures. These areas will be the very places you’ll adventure through while playing Ogre Adventurer campaigns. Discover the lore of Essentia, harness the power of its two suns, Adoria and Tawdry Dwarf, and shape the destiny of your Acting Avatars (characters) in the realms of magic, danger, advanced science, and limitless possibilities.

Within this book, prepare to embark on an unforgettable RPG experience by discovering hidden passages, uncharted lands, mysterious puzzles, and all the secrets throughout Essentia, starting right here on planet Zail.


“Fifteen crowns remain of the original twentyone. Aside from the six destroyed crowns, some are lost in the fog of wars and the tugofwars between the races, each trying to destroy the other’s respective crowns for power.

In this tumultuous landscape, each category is ranked by strength, and each has its own alliances based on race; however, there are neutral races and monsters that remain uninvolved.

Noble Races:
Imperial Humans (Lost)
Arch Elves

Feral Races:
Trolls (Lost)
Gnomes (Lost)

Purge Races:
Orcs (the strongest of this category, bred from warmongering brutes of drow and ogre descent who were tricked into lust by the demon lord, who guards the X Gate of Hell)
Giants (Lost)

Destroyed Crowns:
1. Forsworn Once proud guardians of a sacred legacy, the Forsworn were led astray by ambition and betrayal. Their desire to claim more power led to a catastrophic rift among their ranks, resulting in the destruction of their crown and the loss of their former glory.

2. Nefertari Esteemed guardians of ancient knowledge and magic. Their internal conflicts led to the ruin of their crown during a devastating civil war, scattering their legacies to the winds.

3. Dragons (Crown Destroyed) Once the proud bearers of an ancient crown, dragons are now a myriad of variations, embodying the elemental forces and wisdom of their ancestors. Though their crown was lost, they persist in diverse forms, each representing the indomitable spirit of their lineage. Their fierce desire for territory and treasures has resulted in a legacy of isolation and complexity, shaping their existence in the world.

4. Elemental Wraiths Ethereal beings capable of manipulating the elemental forces of nature. Their crown was destroyed during a cataclysmic battle caused by rivalry among their ranks, leaving them fragmented and vulnerable.

5. Legendary Scions: Once proud offspring of powerful beings, they wielded remarkable abilities and inspired awe among mortals. A fierce rebellion against their own kin resulted in their downfall and the destruction of their crowns, leaving their legacies to be mourned rather than celebrated.

Evilaligned armies from Zailister’s (Zail) further neighboring planet, Quintus Elementum (Elè Quint), have launched attacks on four sovereign territories of the mainland Glacieria. The invaders, just a bit more advanced in technology than the inhabitants of Zail, have infiltrated through trading posts that they reach via spacecraft given to them from planet Omnè’s Futurem and portals, resulting in a fullblown war. The territories of dwarves, humans, brownlings (fae similar to brownies), and yawnies (a species of slow, slothlike, natureloving humanoids) have all been lost, with their respective rulers and higherranking officers perishing in the conflict. The surviving citizens and soldiers have sought refuge in the secure Arch Elven stronghold, known as Everthorn. The Arch Elves themselves have led the exodus, utilizing the fastest available trails to reach their land. This land, situated in a magical valley at the heart of the devastated territories, possesses abundant natural magic, beauty, and resources, making it a prime target for the invaders who strategically seized the surrounding territories first. Although the invading Imperial Humans, Orcs, Ogres, Trolls, Gnomes, and Humans of Elè Quint are a bit more scientifically advanced, and backed by the far more advanced Future of Omnè, the races of Zailister are more advanced in spells, magic, and witchcraft, and are determined to save their land.

The intruders have established offensive and defensive forces around the Arch Elven valley, which is adorned with towering trees that rival the height of the nearby mountains. This means there is no real topographical advantage granted to the invaders, especially considering the Arch Elves’ expertise in ranged combat. The scale and girth of the trees within this valley are so immense that entire cities are nestled within them, many of which are accompanied by a central fortress and an embassy representing the four exiled races.

The war has persisted for 40 years, with the invading race unable to breach the formidable defenses of the Arch Elves. In response, other races, now referred to as the Nobles, have joined forces with the Arch Elves, including High Elves, Noble Dwarves, Imperial Humans, Vanwa, Halflings, and Arctic Orcs to combat the invaders, who are now known as The Purge. Races not directly involved in the conflict are categorized as either Feral or Common Folk races, such as Common Elves, Wood Elves, Brownlings, Brownies, Sylvan, and Centaurs, which hold no interest in the war. However, these native races still defend their territories and occasionally engage in trade with the invaders for resources, pardoning through the land for travel or information, albeit in rare instances. Purge races of the planet Zail are backing up the invaders, with the intention of uniting the foreseen conquered territories.

Planet Zail has four unique rings composed of various elements and gasses resulting from the collision of one of its moons with meteors. Zail has only one remaining moon. Some of the debris from the collision formed the rings, which possess magical properties.

The Noble races have successfully surrounded the invading race but await the command of the Arch Elven ruler, Lady Seraphina Starleaf, to initiate an attack. Communication is achieved through the use of messenger birds and other winged creatures. The invasion was prophesied and has occurred as expected. After 40 years, the noble forces were able to push the invaders back to their home planet and reclaim the territories that were taken. However, the territories remain without rulers, causing anarchy and chaos to spread throughout the four nations.

The four rings are integral to the prophecy as they will select four rulers from four distinct races, 40 years after an invasion of their respective sovereign territories. In a single evening, the rings started expanding outward from the planet, stretching towards its perihelion, aphelion, and both sides, forming a colossal starshaped structure that enveloped the entire planet. This extraordinary phenomenon was witnessed by all inhabitants, as well as those residing on neighboring planets. At the highest points of the star shape, massive explosions occurred, believed by scientists to be a result of kinetic energy. Subsequently, luminous beacons of light began to materialize in various cloudlike formations.

Although no camera or lens could capture the exact shape of this radiant light, numerous artists depicted the discernible figures that were visible to anyone who dared to look, despite the discomfort it caused to their eyes. Beams of blinding light emanated from different locations, resembling spikes, on each of the four highest points. These spikes gradually transformed into distinct palisado formations, eventually taking the shape of four crowns that could be observed during both day and night. The crowns exhibited four different hues—gold, silver, bronze, and copper—and were visible to the entire solar system at different intervals as they rotated. After several months of their creation, the crowns levitated above the planet, radiating an intense light in their respective colors, so dazzling that it was painful to gaze upon them from any location within Essentia. Certain scholars wellversed in the prophecy were aware of this, and even skeptics, including some from the scientific community, began to believe that religion and science engaged in debates and negotiations.

One by one, in an expected manner, the crowns began to collapse, resembling falling stars, onto the four respective reclaimed lands: humans, dwarves, browning (fae), and yawnies (slothlike humanoids), gradually shrinking as they descended through the atmosphere. Numerous inhabitants bore witness to this phenomenon and congregated, resulting in the formation of extensive excavations. However, despite years of diligent searching and digging, the crowns remained elusive and undiscovered. The primary obstacle in locating the crowns lay in the fact that only those capable of wearing them possessed the ability to perceive their presence, even if they were right before their eyes. A more significant predicament was that nobody was aware of this… until they were.

The initial individual to perceive the crown on Planet Zail was a youthful human paladin named Trant. He stumbled upon it precisely at the heart of wetlands x, concealed beneath moss and evidently trampled upon countless times without notice. After deciphering the inscriptions, he journeyed to the designated location where the crown was believed to be, and instantaneously beheld its existence. Trant had unraveled a riddle by consulting sacred ancient texts, which revealed that the four beings capable of perceiving the crowns were the ones destined to wear them and assume the role of ruler.

Upon Trant donning the crown, his subjects immediately fell to their knees in reverence. News of this event spread quickly, and the remaining three “chosen” individuals followed suit, recognizing their own ability to decipher the cryptic text. Eventually, all of the rulers were crowned, and despite ongoing conflict, a semblance of order was restored throughout the tumultuous territories. With caution, trade with other planets was gradually reinstated.

The primary focus of this tutorial is to elucidate the rules and mechanics of the games. However, it is imperative for Ogre Adventurer (OA) to provide comprehensive descriptions of all the planets. Let us commence.

The journey commences on the planet Zail, known as SorC. A detailed explanation of this planet will be provided below and further elaborated upon in the book “Essentia of Gods and Demons.” This book delves into each planet with great intricacy, as adventures unfold within them. Before delving into the hosting planet, let us shed some light on the remaining twelve planets of Essentia.

Essentia is home to thirteen planets and two suns: Adoria, the large sun that provides essential energy for life, and Tawdry Dwarf, the smaller dying star that is slowly transitioning toward its endstage, affecting the outer planets with its diminishing light and warmth. We will give brief descriptions of each of Essentia’s 13 planets in descending order from the sun Adoria. We will give more details on planet Zailister because this is the world from which players will begin their campaigns.

Solar System Overview

The solar system is a grand cosmic expanse characterized by the intricate dance of celestial bodies governed by the gravitational forces of its two suns—Adoria and Tawdry Dwarf. At its heart lies Adoria, a vibrant and lifegiving star, shining brightly and sustaining the inner planets, where diverse ecosystems and advanced civilizations thrive. The warmth and energy it provides are crucial for the survival of life, fostering an environment rich in variations, cultures, and technologies.

In stark contrast, Tawdry Dwarf is the cooler and dimmer twin, slowly dying as it transitions through the stages of stellar life. Once a mighty hydrogenburning star, it now exists as a white dwarf amid the remnants of its previous glory. The dramatic changes in Tawdry Dwarf have profoundly affected the outer planets, introducing significant climatic shifts and destabilizing orbits as it sheds its layers.

The collision of these two solar forces creates a unique dynamic; while the inner planets flourish under the nurturing light of Adoria, the outer planets grapple with the declining influence of Tawdry Dwarf. The gravitational interplay results in a complex system of orbital paths, shaping the movement and interactions of the celestial bodies.

Within this solar system lies a diverse assemblage of planets, each with its own distinctive characteristics, inhabitants, and environments. From fiery volcanic terrains to serene, magically infused landscapes, each world tells its own story that intertwines with the legacy of the two suns. Diverse races inhabit these planets, contributing to a rich tapestry of cultures, technologies, and ancient prophecies that bind them together.

As the struggles over the legendary crowns unfold on Zailister, the actions and destinies of the various civilizations resonate throughout the solar system, creating ripples that may alter the course of existence itself. The ongoing conflicts between good and evil, advanced technologies and ancient magic, weave a narrative that connects not just Zailister to its neighboring worlds but also extends to distant civilizations aware of its plight.

In essence, the solar system is a realm of cosmic interplay, where the duality of light and darkness manifests in both celestial phenomena and the lives of those who inhabit these varied worlds. It invites exploration, storytelling, and a deeper understanding of the connections that bind all beings across the universe of Essentia.

Solar System Layout

Adoria (the large, lifesustaining star)
Tawdry Dwarf (the smaller, dying star)

Planet One (Glacies et Ignis)
Planet Two (Tenue)
Planet Three (Tribus)
Planet Four (Zailister)
Planet Five (Quintus Elementum)
Planet Six (Hexagonum)
Planet Seven (Citrine Candenti)
Planet Eight (Octavo)
Planet Nine (Angel Glow)
Planet Ten (Corpus Caeleste)
Planet Eleven (Undecimus)
Planet Twelve (Omnè Malum)
Planet Thirteen (Tredici)

Each planet carries its own signature, creating a complex narrative that resonates with the ongoing cosmic dynamics and the fate of all beings intertwined in this celestial story.

The Connection to Zailister and the Universe of Essentia

Within this solar system lies Zailister, a planet once adorned with magnificent rings that transformed into powerful crowns. These crowns, gifted to chosen rulers of the thirteen races, signify a profound prophecy that has shaped Zail’s destiny. As these crowns crashed into the five regions of Zail, including the North and South Poles, they became the focal point of ancient conflicts and struggles for power.

Zailister, with its magical aura and ancient wisdom, serves as a central location for understanding the significance of the crowns and their role in the ongoing battle between good and evil. The presence of these crowns brings an ethereal glow at night, reminding Zail’s inhabitants of the intertwining fates they share.

The tumult over the crowns on Zail reflects broader cosmic dynamics at play across Essentia, where even the more advanced planets have knowledge of Zail and its storied history. Having traveled to Earth through lightspeed technology, these planets are aware of the varying legends and fables surrounding Zail, although Earth remains largely oblivious to their existence. The stories of Zail, its crowns, and the battle between good and evil echo throughout the universe, representing the ongoing struggle that connects civilizations across Essentia.

As the conflicts unfold on Zail, they serve as a reminder of the universal battle between light and darkness, impacting not just the inhabitants of Zail but resonating deeply with the distant civilizations watching from afar. The outcomes of these struggles may very well influence the fate of worlds beyond Zail, reinforcing the notion that every story, every conflict, and every race plays a part in the grand narrative of existence woven into the fabric of the universe. The legacy of the crowns, alongside the intricate dance of the suns and planets, continues to shape the destinies of all beings across Essentia.

Planet One: Glacies et Ignis

The planet closest to Adoria is Glacies et Ignis. This planet is incredibly hot, making it inhabitable only for elemental races. Parties consisting of any other race, even with the aid of magic or science, would not be able to endure the extreme temperatures and would succumb to exposure. However, golems made of diamonds and stone, as well as elemental beings of water/vapor, fire, earth, and wind, reside here. They safeguard numerous valuable and magical artifacts, as they are direct descendants of this planet. There is humanoid life between the planet’s core and surface, however.

Planet Two: Tenue

Tenue is also scorching, but to a lesser extent due to its thin atmosphere. Tenue maintains livable temperatures for most beings due to the heat emitted by the thin air aloft. The carbon dioxide molecules do not collide with other molecules, allowing them to escape into space and trap heat, which rapidly cools the surrounding atmosphere. This does not imply that the planet lacks brightness during both day and night. It experiences blinding light during the day, and remains relatively bright at night due to its proximity to the third planet, which reflects Adoria’s light. Notably, Tenue does not possess a moon.

Planet Three: Tribus

Tribus, the third planet, sustains habitable temperatures solely in its subterranean depths. The planet boasts a solid rock core devoid of gas, encased in ice. However, at a certain stratum, the ice thaws, giving rise to subterranean water bodies and pure vapor that rises miles above the boiling surface. As one moves away from the core, the planet’s temperature increases to an unbearable level, only tolerable by elementals. Beneath the icecovered rock core, underground water tunnels surround islands, bogs, wetlands, and swamps, providing a safe haven for the races that inhabit the planet, most of whom possess night vision. The planet also features portals that allow travelers to arrive safely from other planets. The heat rising from the planet’s core further contributes to the existence of life in this “safe zone.” Interestingly, the native race inhabiting the planet is blind and relies on echolocation to navigate their surroundings.

Planet Four: Zailister

The fourth planet in the sequence is Zailister, known for its liberty and freedom. Zailister is the planet where adventurers will begin their campaigns. It serves as a sanctuary for various races from different planets, resulting in a diverse population. Despite some individuals having malicious intentions, Zail is considered the “police of the world” and is disliked by neighboring planets. More information about Zail’s characteristics and politics is provided in later sections of this book and others. Following Zail, the next nine planets experience varying temperatures due to the presence of moons and a dwarf star named Tawdry. The farthest planet is the coldest and most advanced, with the Futurem race being the pinnacle of scientific and technological advancement in the solar system. They specialize in laser weaponry, droids, and bionics, and manufacture the highest quality weaponry, travel gear, and equipment.

Planet Five: Quintus Elementum

Quintus Elementum, also known as Elè Quint, holds the distinction of being the fifth planet and the secondlargest celestial body within our solar system.

Planet Six: Hexagonum

Hexagonum is close to Tawdry, lying between Hex and Citrine.

Planet Seven: Citrine Candenti

Citrine is the seventh planet and is about as futuristic as Earth, and naturally, the six planets after Citrine are more advanced in incremental order leading to the thirteenth.

In the comparison of progress made, Earth was referenced as the sole celestial body within its galaxy that sustains life.

Planet Eight: Octavo

Octavo, a planet located near Tawdry, lacks a spinning motion and relies on the gravitational pull of its two moons to sustain life. The planet’s hot side faces Tawdry, while the cold side only receives reflected light from the moons. Despite Tawdry being a dwarf star, it emits high levels of heat, resulting in most of the planet being hot with glowing lava. The meridian of the planet is where resources are farmed, and the diet consists of limited options such as meat, coffee/tea, wheat, citrus, seeds, legumes, nuts, cactus, honey, and select herbs like thyme, hemp, lavender, sage, oregano, and mint. Water is sourced from underground and natural springs, which can be purified or blessed by any class or talent perks.

Planet Nine: Angel Glow

Angel Glow remains largely unexplored, with vast areas yet to be chartered on Essentia. Celestial bodies that are said to be made of swirling gas substances surround their core. It is believed that only aberrations, spirits, and souls dwell on these planets.

Planet Ten: Corpus Caeleste

Currently, detailed descriptions for this planet are yet to be included.

Planet Eleven: Undecimus

Currently, detailed descriptions for this planet are yet to be included.

Planet Twelve: Omnè Malum

Currently, detailed descriptions for this planet are yet to be included.

Planet Thirteen: Tredici

Tredici is primarily focused on scientific advancements rather than the use of magic. The dominant race on Tredici, known as the Futurem, relies on their cognitive abilities, intellect, and expertise in weapon design to ensure their protection. Despite their soft skin and average handtohand combat skills, even with medievalstyle weapons, the Futurem possess the largest ground armies in the solar system, with some exceeding 3 million soldiers. However, they are not playable by Player Avatars at the moment. The Futurem race is known for their passivity and technological superiority compared to other races in the solar system.

Tredici is teeming with abundant wildlife. The eight different variations of the Futurem species are distinguished by three distinct skull shapes. The color pigmentation of these creatures ranges from shiny and pastel to dark and shiny, with tones varying from shiny pearl and opal to shiny onyx. The physical characteristics of the Futurem are determined by the specific regions they have adapted to over billions of years.

Cosmic Dynamics

The solar system operates similarly to Earth’s, with planets primarily orbiting around Adoria. However, the effects of Tawdry Dwarf’s dying stages resonate strongly in the outer regions, creating a dynamic balance influenced by both suns. The diminishing life of Tawdry Dwarf has introduced new challenges for the planets at the far edges of the system.

History, Culture, and Lore

Each planet possesses a multitude of intricate mazes that lead to chambers of power where demons, loyal to the Prince of Darkness, safeguard an entrance known as The Gates of Hell. While there exists only one pathway to hell, numerous gates serve as its conduits. Each chamber is heavily fortified by a demon lord, accompanied by their consort, a retinue of guards, and their assortment of pets and minions. Merely reaching the gate itself presents a formidable challenge, necessitating the presence of a paladin, priest, monk, cleric, sorcerer proficient in all elemental magic, an illusionist capable of countering illusions, a bard to appease the demonic entities with music, a primordial being, a ranger, and a strategist. The specified races required for this endeavor encompass greenlings, halflings, yingyanglings, humans, bridge trolls, dwarves, Arch Elves, darklings, gnomes, and Centaurs. Once within the confines of any given chamber, the demon lords cannot be slain, but can be compelled to retreat. However, this action should be approached with caution, as retribution will be exacted upon them. Subsequently, one must unravel mystical and grandiose puzzles to progress through the labyrinth.

The campaign above has arrived at the throne room of a labyrinth located at the core of planet Zail. Their objective is to access a gateway that will force the demons to retreat and solve the puzzles guarding the entrance to the plane of adventurers’ journals that have been discovered, showcasing their daring attempts to explore treacherous natural bridges and fiery caverns above the molten cores in planet Zail’s core. Each of the 13 planets possesses its own gateway to various planes of hell, and Zail’s is located at the very heart of the planet.

At each entrance, a throne room awaits, guarded by a demon lord and their retinue. Throughout the journey, one must also confront hordes of minions and their commanding officers, as well as endure the harsh environmental conditions, wildlife, and exposure. However, it is crucial to note that without the aid of magic, no living being can venture into the labyrinth depths leading to the devil’s throne, and even then, if one were to overcome this obstacle, the chances of survival for the entire party would be exceedingly slim.

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