Slayers of Rings § Crowns

Playable Classes

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Playable Classes
Each main class has a tree of 3 subclasses and each subclass branches off to 3 variant classes. To put it simply, there are many ways to play each main class and there is no class hybriding as it is not needed. As with racial lineage bonuses and penalties, classes have the same, only they are referred to as native bonuses and penalties and are determined by class because each class has cultural backgrounds that sometimes help, and sometimes do not. Note the stat blocks for each class below are linked to another document and separated by primary classes, and their sub/variant classes. This is how the pdf version of the game is done. If you purchase the box set, each class will have its own sheets.

“The Mantis monk variant class possesses a remarkable fusion of martial arts, blending the ancient art of energy manipulation with powerful strikes and fluid movements. This class showcases a unique ability to strike adversaries from a significant distance. Though it may seem as if their limbs are stretching to make these long-range attacks, it is actually their exceptional speed that enables them to reach their enemies from further distances. The accompanying motion blur further enhances the illusion of limb extension…”

Although it is commented below, we are showcasing the Avenger – Monk – Mantis stat block because it is the only finished stat block.


– Agility: +2
– Artistry: +1
– Resilience: +1
– Intellect: +0
– Persona: +1
– Focus: +2
– Vigilance: +2
– Strength: +1


Lifeblood: 8 + Resilience


Starting Armor: Monk’s Gi (Light Armor)
AC: 8 + artistry or agility (depending on combat technique).

First Armor Goal:
– Cloak of the Mirage: A mystical cloak that enhances the Mantis monk’s agility and speed, providing a +1 bonus to AC, increasing movement speed, and granting advantage to agility and/or artistry based takent checks.


Starting Weapons: Unarmed Strikes, Blunt Weapons and Throwing Weapons. 1d6 + 2

First Weapon(s) Goal:
– Fist of Serenity:

Main hand (agi): 1d6 + base (agi).

Off hand (art): 1d6 + 1
A pair of enchanted gauntlets that channel the monk’s energy, increasing unarmed strike damage and granting additional bonuses to energy-based combat techniques.

– Bo Staff of Tranquility:
A staff imbued with calming energies, allowing the Mantis monk to channel their internal power and perform devastating blows with increased range and damage. 2d6 + (agi).


Combat Techniques:
– Rank 1: Energy Strike: The Mantis monk focuses their inner energy into a powerful strike, dealing additional energy damage to their target.
– Rank 2: Distant Palm Strike: The Mantis monk utilizes their speed and fluid movements to strike from a distance, extending their limbs to deliver powerful blows to enemies within range.
– Rank 3: Tornado Kick: The Mantis monk performs a spinning kick with incredible force, hitting multiple enemies within an area of effect and potentially knocking them back.


Supernatural Powers:
– Rank 1: Shadow Shift: The Mantis monk harnesses the shadow energy within themselves, instantly teleporting a short distance to gain a strategic advantage in combat.
– Rank 2: Cyclone Burst: The Mantis monk summons a swirling cyclone of energy, damaging and launching enemies in a wide area around them.
– Rank 3: Empyreal Wave: The Mantis monk conjures a wave of pure energy, blasting enemies back and dealing heavy damage in a straight line.


– Rank 1: Divine Harmony: The Mantis monk channels divine energies to enhance their combat abilities, temporarily increasing their attack speed and damage output.
– Rank 2: Celestial Barrier: The Mantis monk erects a barrier of radiant energy, reducing incoming damage and reflecting a portion of it back at attackers.
– Rank 3: Resurrection Ray: The Mantis monk taps into the restorative powers of light, resurrecting a fallen ally with a burst of healing energy.


Light Spells (Healing):
– Rank 1: Healing Spark: The Mantis monk harnesses the light within them to heal minor wounds and restore vitality.
– Rank 2: Illuminated Mend: The Mantis monk bathes themselves or an ally in radiant light, healing moderate wounds and providing a temporary boost to their resilience.
– Rank 3: Radiant Revival: The Mantis monk releases a surge of healing light, revitalizing all nearby allies and granting them a temporary boost to their lifeblood.


Inherited St (survival trait – Passive Abilities):
– Inherited Reflexes: The Mantis monk’s heightened agility and Artistry grants them additional AC against incoming attacks. (example rank 1 innate st)

– Inherited Balance: The Mantis monk’s training in fluid movements allows them to maintain balance, reducing the chance of being knocked prone. (Acquired at birth)

Acquired Survival Traits (survival trait – action required):
– Acquired Stamina: The Mantis monk’s intense training has increased their stamina and endurance, allowing them to perform physically demanding actions for longer periods without tiring. (Acquired at Level 5)

– Acquired Focus: The Mantis monk has honed their mental focus through meditation and concentration, granting them a heightened ability to resist mental and magical effects. (Acquired at Level 10)


Favorite Talent Tree: Combatant

Favorite Talent: Way of the Radiant Fist

The Avenger is a formidable and versatile warrior, driven by a burning desire to right wrongs and defend the innocent. They possess a deep sense of purpose and justice, capable of channelizng divine energy to enhance their physical abilities. Proficient in both melee and ranged combat techniques, they are well-rounded in combat, capable of dishing out damage, maintaining control, and protecting allies. However, their strict codes of conduct or moral obligations may limit certain actions or alliances. The Avenger may be vulnerable to magical effects targeting divine or holy beings and could draw the attention of dark entities due to their sworn purpose of vengeance. Here are the 3 subclasses of avenger:
Avenger Cleric Tree:
Intellect, Artistry, Persona and Strength.

The Cleric subclass represents an Avenger who has embraced their divine connection, becoming a beacon of faith. They channel divine powers to heal, protect, and guide others. As frontline combatants, Cleric Avengers employ their melee combat prowess alongside divine spells to bolster allies and smite enemies.

1. Oracle

Oracle is a variant of the Cleric class. Oracles are known for their mystical insight and ability to tap into divine knowledge. They possess a heightened sense of intuition and foresight, allowing them to have a deep understanding of what is about to happen. They dual wield crystal ball and 1h mace.

Oracles often excel in taking quick and decisive actions, commonly having high initiative scores. This allows them to act swiftly and have an advantage in combat or other time-sensitive situations.

In terms of movement, Oracles may have a bonus to their movement speed, granting them additional mobility and agility.

Their heightened vigilance…

2. Holy

The Holy variant of the cleric class is a powerful support role that specializes in healing and buffing both individual allies and the entire party. Holy clerics draw upon the forces of light or divine energy, channeling their spells and divine power to provide profound protection and enhancements to their comrades.

Known for their selflessness and dedication to aiding others, Holy clerics prioritize the well-being of their allies above all else. Through their divine connection, they possess the ability to mend wounds, cure ailments, and rejuvenate weary adventurers. Their healing spells can range from basic means of restoring health to potent abilities that can revive fallen comrades.

3. Warpriest

The Warpriest is a unique cleric variant class that combines martial prowess with arcane spellcasting abilities. Unlike traditional clerics, Warpriests are trained to dual wield blade weapons, allowing them to unleash devastating attacks in combat. However, there are certain limitations to their armor choices, as they are restricted to wearing robes to maintain their agility and freedom of movement.

In terms of spellcasting, Warpriests possess a specialized set of combat-focused spells. These spells are designed to augment their martial abilities, providing them with enhanced strength, agility, or defensive measures during battles. Their spellcasting primarily revolves around empowering themselves and their weapons, allowing them to strike with increased precision, enchant their blades with elemental damage, or protect themselves from harm.
Avenger Subclass Monk:
Artistry, Agility, Persona and Intellect

The Monk subclass within the Avenger class is distinguished by disciplined training and mastery of martial arts. Avenger Monks combine unmatched physical agility with their divine abilities, making them swift and deadly fighters. They rely on unarmed combat, utilizing divine powers to enhance their strikes, dodge attacks, and overcome hardships.

1. Chanter

The Chanter is a variant of the monk class. By delving deep into the study of ancient chants and mantras, Chanters acquire the ability to enhance their martial skills and support their allies. Through dedicated study and practice, they learn to tap into mystical energies and harness the power within the carefully crafted melodies they have mastered.

Chanters use their enchanting chants to augment their physical abilities, granting them enhanced strength, speed, and agility. Additionally, these meticulously studied melodies can provide temporary magical enhancements to weapons or hinder their foes. Chanters seamlessly integrate their martial arts techniques with the power of their studied chants, creating a versatile combat style that combines precision strikes and empowering melodies.

2. Metamorphist

The Metamorphist monks employ a mesmerizing and fluid style of martial arts, seamlessly combining lightning-fast speed, mystical powers, and graceful movements. Their attacks possess an enchanting quality that creates the illusion of metamorphosis, bewildering and captivating their adversaries. This unique combat technique leaves opponents mesmerized, momentarily entranced by the intricate illusions and the unmatched grace exhibited by the Metamorphist monks.

3. Mantis

The Mantis monk variant class possesses a remarkable fusion of martial arts, blending the ancient art of energy manipulation with powerful strikes and fluid movements. This class showcases a unique ability to strike adversaries from a significant distance. Though it may seem as if their limbs are stretching to make these long-range attacks, it is actually their exceptional speed that enables them to reach their enemies from further distances. The accompanying motion blur further enhances the illusion of limb extension.

In addition to their prodigious combat skills, Mantis monks possess meditative healing powers, albeit with a limited ability for light healing. They are also highly skilled in wielding blunt weapons, showcasing mastery in dual wielding, two-handed techniques, and even throwing weapons. This comprehensive skill set makes them formidable both in close-quarters combat, mid-range and at a distance, ensuring their versatility and effectiveness in various encounters.

Mantis Stat Block, Miracles, Light Spells, Traits and Talents.

Avenger Subclass Priest:

Avenger Priests exemplify the Avenger’s connection to the divine realm through sacred rites and spiritual guidance. They serve as spiritual leaders, performing rituals, offering blessings, and providing counsel to their companions. This subclass focuses on support, healing, and bolstering allies while still possessing the skills necessary for close-quarters.

1. Shadow Weaver

The Shadow Weaver priest class specializes in harnessing the powers of darkness and manipulating shadow energy to their advantage. They possess a unique affinity for shadow damage over time, causing lingering effects on their foes that gradually sap away their strength. The Shadow Weaver also excels in utilizing shadow magic to drain the life force of their enemies, draining their any targeted attribute they choose and replenishing their own.

Furthermore, the Shadow Weaver class possesses the ability to weave shadow magic into their strikes, enhancing their attacks with an eerie darkness that can bypass certain defenses and inflict additional damage. They are particularly adept at wielding daggers, using these swift and deadly weapons to exploit weaknesses and strike with precision.

2. Discipline

The Discipline variant class is a specialized priest class focused on the power of healing. These priests excel in providing healing over time, using their faith and meditative abilities to channel restorative energy to their allies. They possess the unique ability to heal both single targets and the entire party, making them valuable assets in sustaining the group’s well-being during intense battles.

Despite their primary focus on healing, Discipline priests have developed moderate defensive close-quarter skills to defend themselves and ensure their survival. While they may not be proficient fighters like some other classes, they possess enough defensive capabilities to protect themselves while attending to their healing duties.

3. Salii
The Salii priest variant class possesses limited magic skills, focusing more on their prowess with dual-wielded weapons or two-handed weapons. They excel in combat, utilizing their weapon skills to deal significant damage to their foes.
They can wear chain mail, scale mail, or ring mail, and they are also allowed to wear any type of cloth, fauld, or gambeson underneath their armor. This combination of armors allows them some flexibility in terms of protection and mobility.
The Salii priests are characterized by their battle-hardened nature and their dedication to both physical and divine endeavors. While their magical abilities may be limited compared to other priest variants, they make up for it with their combat skills and the ability to strike with precision and ferocity on the battlefield.


Barbarians are primal warriors who tap into their inner fury to unleash devastating attacks upon their foes. They are often portrayed as larger-than-life characters with exceptional physical prowess and a wild, untamed nature. In battle, they stray from traditional combat techniques in favor of raw power, brute strength, and unyielding resilience.

Physically imposing, barbarians are typically portrayed as brawn characters that favor close-quarters combat and are often seen wielding massive two-handed weapons such as hefty axes, oversized swords, or colossal hammers. These weapons are used to cleave through enemies with raw power, causing havoc on the battlefield.

Description continued…

Barbarian Subclass Destroyer:
Resilience, Vigilance and Strength.

The Destroyer subclass represents a barbarian consumed by an insatiable hunger for destruction. They are a relentless force on the battlefield, driven by a primal rage that fuels their devastating attacks. With each swing of their weapon, their sheer power and aggression aim to decimate their enemies, leaving a trail of chaos and devastation in their wake. The Destroyer is known for their unmatched strength, raw brutality, and ability to unleash devastating area-of-effect attacks.

1. Bloodrager:
The Bloodrager variant of the Destroyer subclass taps into their ancestral heritage and harnesses the power of their bloodline. They possess a trace of supernatural energy flowing through their veins, granting them additional abilities in combat. This subclass combines the uninhibited ferocity of a barbarian with the latent power of magic, allowing Bloodragers to tap into spells or mystical abilities to further empower their destructive onslaughts. Whether it’s channeling elemental forces into their attacks or unleashing bursts of raw arcane energy, Bloodragers possess a unique blend of melee prowess and potent spellcasting.

2. Frenzied:
The Frenzied variant of the Destroyer subclass embodies pure chaos and unchecked aggression. These barbarians willingly surrender themselves to unbridled fury, becoming a whirlwind of destruction on the battlefield. Frenzied barbarians forego caution in favor of overwhelming offense, often throwing themselves into the thick of the fight without concern for their own safety. Their rage consumes them completely, granting them enhanced speed, unmatched relentless strength, and the ability to deliver a barrage of rapid strikes with their weapon of choice. Frenzied barbarians are a blur of violence and destruction, making them fearsome opponents to anyone who dares to stand in their way.

3. Mauler:
The Mauler variant of the Destroyer subclass specializes in wielding massive, two-handed weapons with awe-inspiring brutality. These barbarians embrace the concept of overwhelming force, utilizing weapons such as colossal hammers, massive axes, or oversized swords that are capable of wreaking havoc on the battlefield. Maulers channel their inner strength into each strike, delivering devastating blows that can cleave through heavily armored foes or crush through defenses with ease. They are masters of overpowering their enemies with overwhelming strength and employing bone-shattering techniques, making them a force to be reckoned with in close-quarters combat.

Each of the variant classes within the Destroyer subclass offers a unique twist on the raw power and destruction associated with barbarians. Whether it’s tapping into ancestral magic, embracing uncontrolled frenzy, or wielding crushing weapons, players can choose a variant that resonates with their preferred playstyle and unleash devastation upon their foes in their own distinct way.

Barbarian Subclass Cimmerian:
Resilience, Vigilance and Strength.

Cimmerian Barbarians represent fearless warriors from harsh and unforgiving lands. The Cimmerians are known for their resilience, adaptability, and survival skills in harsh environments.

The Cimmerian subclass embodies the spirit of these legendary warriors, combining their physical prowess with their deep connection to nature and survival instincts. Cimmerians are born and raised in a land of rugged mountains, dense forests, and extreme climates, shaping them into formidable warriors capable of enduring the harshest of conditions.

These barbarians excel in both solitary adventures and group endeavors. Whether they are braving extreme temperatures, traversing treacherous terrains, or battling against the elements, Cimmerians have honed their survival skills to outlast their enemies and overcome any obstacle that stands in their path.

1. Wildblood

The Wildblood variant of the Cimmerian subclass taps into the primal connection between the Cimmerian warriors and the natural world. These barbarians are able to tap into their animal instincts and take on the forms of powerful creatures: the Lion, Raven, or Ram. Each form grants them unique abilities and attributes that enhance their combat prowess.

When transformed into a Lion, the Wildblood gains immense strength and speed, pouncing upon their foes with unparalleled ferocity. They possess awe-inspiring agility, razor-sharp claws, and a fearsome roar that can send shivers down the spines of their enemies.

As a Raven…

2. Nomad:
The Nomad variant exemplifies the wandering spirit of the Cimmerians, reflecting their innate ability to adapt to various environments and embrace a life of constant exploration. These barbarians are skilled trackers, scouts, and survival experts, able to navigate unfamiliar terrains and utilize their knowledge of the land to their advantage.

Nomads possess advanced tracking abilities, allowing them to follow trails and locate hidden paths effortlessly. They excel at setting traps, ambushing enemies, and navigating treacherous terrain without leaving a trace. Their mastery of survival skills enables them to find sustenance, shelter, and medicinal herbs in even the harshest of environments.

In combat, Nomads are resourceful and versatile. They are adept at utilizing their surroundings, using the environment to gain strategic advantages and setting up ambushes. Their quick reflexes and agility make them formidable foes in close-quarters combat, and they excel in hit-and-run tactics, striking swiftly and vanishing into the shadows before their enemies can react.

Nomad barbarians are nomadic wanderers, embracing a life of freedom and self-sufficiency. They are adaptable and self-reliant warriors, experts in survival and masters of their chosen territories.

3. Shadowbound

The Crom’s Shadow variant of the Cimmerian subclass delves into the realm of the dark pantheon of gods, ruled by the enigmatic deity, Crom. These barbarians possess a deep connection to the shadowy afterlife, where souls of the dead wander aimlessly in Crom’s grey realm for all eternity.

Shadowbound are blessed with an innate understanding of the mysteries and powers surrounding the afterlife. They can harness the essence of shadows, utilizing them to their advantage in combat and exploration alike. This variant class allows Cimmerian barbarians to connect with the ethereal and embrace the darkness within.

Barbarian Subclass Mountaineer
Resilience, Vigilance, Strength/Agility

Mountaineer Subclass:

The Mountaineer subclass is a specialization within the barbarian class that focuses on mastering ranged attacks while maintaining a moderate level of skill with other barbarian weapons. These resilient warriors are expert hunters and survivalists, honing their skills in the harsh terrains of the mountains. The Mountaineer subclass embraces versatility, combining the power of a barbarian with the precision and strategic approach of a seasoned ranger.

1. Amazon:

The Amazon variant class within the Mountaineer subclass represents fierce barbarians who draw inspiration from legends of the ancients. Although smaller than other barbarian classes, they’re much more agile and acrobatic. They are lovers of nature, they’re brave, acute unwavering determination and possess powerful war cries that give them explosive attacking ability at close quarters that can be heard throughout the mountain ranges.

The Amazons excel in both ranged and melee combat, able to rain arrows upon enemies from afar or engage in up-close confrontations with lethal proficiency. With their unmatched prowess, the Amazons dominate the battlefield, proving that their place in history is well-deserved.

2. Beast Master:

The Beast Master variant class embraces the bond between the Mountaineer and the wildlife of the mountains. These barbarians possess the ability to communicate with and command animals, forging alliances with creatures ranging from mighty predators to agile raptors. The Beast Masters fight alongside their loyal animal companions, combining their wilderness instincts with the fury and strength of a barbarian. Together, they create a terrifying force on the battlefield that strikes fear into the hearts of their enemies.

3. Predator:

The Predator variant class captures the cunning and stealth of the Mountaineer (barbarian subclass). These barbarians possess an uncanny ability to stalk their prey, blending seamlessly with their surroundings and striking with deadly precision.

The Predators are masters of ambush tactics, lurking in the shadows and employing hit-and-run strategies to dismantle their adversaries systematically. Their hunting instincts and knowledge of the environment make them formidable foes in any terrain. The Predator variant class are masters of camouflage, still predator techniques and mimicking the look and distress sounds of just about anything they’ve heard or seen.


The Bard is a captivating force of nature, embodying the essence of artistry, charisma, and boundless creativity. They are the weavers of melodies, the masters of verse, and the lifeblood of any gathering. With their enigmatic personalities and mesmerizing performances, Bards effortlessly command the attention of both friends and foes alike. Their music resonates with the very souls of all who listen, stirring emotions, kindling hope, and even sowing discord when needed.

Armed with an array of musical instruments and their eloquent words, Bards possess a unique enchantment that blurs the line between magic and artistic expression. They can rouse a crowd into a fervor, dispel the darkest despair with a single verse, and their harmonies can mend wounds, both physical and emotional.


1. Stroller
The Stroller is a variant class of the Strumalong subclass, embodying the spirit of wanderlust and free-spirited exploration. With a whimsical nature and a tune always on their lips, Strollers use their instruments to captivate audiences and embrace the open road.

Strollers are known for their improvisational skills, able to create melodies on the spot that mirror the beauty and wonder of their surroundings. Their music conjures images of rolling hills, vibrant marketplaces, and bustling city streets. As masters of atmospheric enchantment, they can manipulate the mood and ambiance of any location, creating an atmosphere that suits their desired purpose.

These musical nomads are adept at charming diverse crowds with their performances, eliciting applause, laughter, and sometimes even tears. Their melodies have the power to lift spirits, inspire hope, and unite strangers in a shared experience. Strollers can also use their musical prowess to deceive and distract, lulling enemies into a false sense of security or casting illusions to trick their foes.

2. Melodist

The Melodist is another variant class of the Strumalong subclass, focusing on intricate compositions and sophisticated musical techniques. These bards delve deep into the theory and techniques of music, constantly seeking new ways to convey complex emotions and tell profound stories through their melodies.

Melodists are known for their meticulous attention to detail, crafting intricate compositions with layered harmonies and intricate rhythms. Their performances are breathtaking and filled with nuance, capable of evoking a wide range of emotions from joy and jubilation to sorrow and reflection. Through their music, they can inspire profound introspection, encourage contemplation, or even transport listeners to realms beyond mortal imagination.

In addition to their masterful musical abilities, Melodists possess an uncanny talent for manipulating the emotions of those around them. They can heighten or temper emotional states, invoking raw passion or instilling calm serenity. Their melodies carry the power to heal emotional wounds, calm turbulent hearts, or kindle the fires of determination within their allies.

3. Plucker

The Plucker is a dynamic variant class of the Strumalong subclass, specializing in using stringed instruments that require plucking rather than strumming. The Plucker is a virtuoso of fingerstyle playing techniques, extracting captivating melodies from their chosen instrument.

Pluckers possess unmatched dexterity, their nimble fingers dancing across the strings with precision and skill. Their performances are characterized by intricate fingerpicking patterns, commonly accompanied by dazzling flourishes and embellishments that showcase their musical prowess. Their melodies can be hauntingly beautiful, exuding a sense of melancholy or invoking images of delicately falling leaves.

1. Pounder:

The Pounder is one of the variant classes within the Percussionist subclass. With boundless physical strength and a deep connection to the primal reverberations of percussion, the Pounder unleashes thunderous beats that shake the very foundation of the battlefield. Their mighty strikes upon drums, mallets, and other percussive instruments create shockwaves that can disorient foes, shatter defenses, and leave enemies vulnerable. As the Pounder pounds away with relentless force, their rhythmic onslaught engulfs the battleground, instilling fear and intimidation within their adversaries.

2. Distortionist:

traditional percussionist, the Distortionist incorporates arcane energy into their pounding rhythms, creating a mesmerizing cacophony of unidentifiable and disorienting sounds. By channeling their magical prowess through their percussive instruments, they distort and warp the very essence of sound, warping reality itself. The arcane energy that accompanies every strike is disruptive and bewildering to enemies, making it challenging for them to anticipate attacks or strategize effectively. The enigmatic melodies produced by the Distortionist render their foes vulnerable to attacks, as the disorienting nature of their percussive magic shatters concentration and clarity.

3. Boomer:
The Boomer harnesses the power of sonic waves to dominate the battlefield, utilizing their percussive instruments to generate potent bursts of compressed air. With each precise stroke and rhythmic manipulation of their tools, the Boomer creates shockwaves that travel through the air, wreaking havoc among their enemies. These emanations disrupt spells, knock foes off balance, and destabilize structures. The Boomer’s mastery over sonic waves grants them control over the flow of battle, allowing for strategic positioning and overwhelming adversaries with gusts of force. Through their percussive control of vibrations, the Boomer shapes the very environment to their advantage, turning the field of combat into a tempest of chaos and destruction.

Each variant class within the Percussionist subclass brings a unique style and approach to the art of percussion, forging their own path through rhythm and combat. Whether it’s the Pounder’s earth-shaking strength, the Distortionist’s manipulation of arcane energy, or the Boomer’s control over sonic waves, all three variants showcase the versatility and power of the Percussionist subclass as they weave their percussive prowess into the chaos of battle.

The Serenader, a bardic subclass, embraces the enchanting power of melodic instruments such as the didjeridu, flutes, lutes, ocarina, harmonica, and longhorn. With their musical prowess and skillful manipulation of these diverse and melodious tools, the Serenader casts spells that captivate, inspire, and mesmerize both allies and enemies alike.

Harnessing the essence of harmonious melodies, the Serenader weaves enchanting tunes that can shape the very fabric of reality. Through the gentle breaths blown into flutes or the heartfelt strumming of a lute’s strings, they create melodic spells that enchant the mind, calming or instigating emotional responses. The ethereal sounds resonating from their didjeridu or ocarina carry the power to bend the will of others, compelling them to yield or rally in solidarity. It is through the harmonica’s whimsical notes and the longhorn’s booming calls that the Serenader is able to manipulate emotion, stirring hearts and evoking courage or despair.

1. The Whisperer:

The Whisperer is a unique variant class within the Serenader subclass. With their magical connection to the natural world, they possess the ability to communicate and influence the elements, animals, beasts, and humanoid creatures through the power of their melodic arts. Through their enchanting music, the Whisperer can sway the winds, calm raging flames, coax plants to grow, and command the very earth beneath their feet. They can create harmonious melodies that resonate with the souls of creatures, forming bonds and granting the ability to communicate in ways that transcend language. Their songs can call upon the aid of animal allies, who join them in battle, fighting alongside their melodious conductor.

2. The Songbird:

The Songbird variant of the Serenader subclass embodies the purity and grace of avian creatures. Through their ethereal voice and mastery of instruments, they can unleash captivating melodies that carry the essence of flight and freedom. Each note they produce becomes a manifestation of their soul’s wings, lifting allies’ spirits and rendering them agile and swift. The sublimely harmonic songs of the Songbird have the power to heal wounds and rejuvenate, suffusing their companions with a sense of hope and renewal. In battle, they inspire courage, allowing allies to soar high above their limitations and strike with precision and grace.

3. Charmer:

The Charmer variant of the Serenader subclass possesses a magnetic appeal and a silver-tongued charisma that can charm even the most resolute of hearts. Through their enchanting melodies, they weave spells of seduction and persuasion, beguiling their foes and influencing their decisions. The songs of the Charmer can captivate the wills of others, turning enemies into temporary allies and making it easier to negotiate with otherwise hostile individuals. Their harmonious tunes carry an inherent charm, making them adept at diffusing tense situations and creating an aura of peace and understanding. In battle, the Charmer can manipulate the emotions and intentions of opponents, diverting their attention and causing confusion among their ranks.

Each variant class within the Serenader subclass harnesses the power of music, but they do so in uniquely captivating ways. The Whisperer communicates and harmonizes with the natural world, while the Songbird invokes the beauty and agility of avian creatures. Finally, the Charmer uses their enchanting music to seduce, persuade, and sway the hearts and minds of others. Together, these three distinct classes demonstrate the breadth of possibilities within the Serenader subclass, epitomizing the potency and versatility of the magical arts combined with the emotive power of music.

– Bonus: +2 to Charisma-based skill checks (strumalong), +2 to performance checks (percussionist), +2 to mind-affecting spells (serenade).
– Penalty: -1 to AC when wearing heavy armor (strumalong), -1 to melee attacks (percussionist), -1 to concentration checks (serenade).
• Berserker (dual weapon)
• Demolisher (2h weapon)
Bone Crusher
• War Cryer
Dagger Dancer
– Bonus: +2 to damage dealt with dual weapons (berserker), +2 to damage done with two-handed weapons (demolisher), +2 to Charisma checks and saving throws (war cryer).
– Penalty: -1 to AC when dual-wielding (berserker), -1 to AC when using two-handed weapons (demolisher), -1 to Wisdom checks and saving throws (war cryer).
• Bowman
• Gunner (black powder – bonuses to gnomes,
Gun Slinger
• Ranger
Forest Guardian
Wood Warden
– Bonus: +2 to attack rolls with ranged weapons (bowman), +2 to damage dealt with firearms (gunner), +2 to tracking and survival checks (ranger).
– Penalty: -1 to AC when using ranged weapons (bowman), -1 to melee attacks (gunner), -1 to spellcasting checks (ranger).

Doom Knight
• Death Guard
Umbral Lord
Dread Knight
• Death Bringer
Death Lord
Death Knight
• Lordsman
Radiant Knight
Paragon Knight
Doom Knight:
– Bonus: +2 to damage dealt with necrotic spells (death guard), +2 to damage dealt with bleeding effects (death bringer), +2 to AC when wearing heavy armor (lordsman).
– Penalty: -1 to AC when not wearing heavy armor (death guard), -1 to AC when not dealing bleeding effects (death bringer), -1 to AC when not wearing heavy armor (lordsman).

• Brawler
• Mercenary (Tank)
• Vigilante (sub caster)
Mixed Martial Artist
– Bonus: +2 to damage dealt with unarmed attacks (brawler), +2 to AC when wearing heavy armor (mercenary), +2 to Strength checks and saving throws (vigilante).
– Penalty: -1 to ranged attacks (brawler), -1 to AC when not wearing heavy armor (mercenary), -1 to Agility checks and saving throws (vigilante).
Magic User
• Trickster
Arcane Jester
Shadow Dancer
Arcana Mime
• Mage
Ruinmaster (portals and gates)
Blood Mage
• Illusionist
Sound Weaver
Astral Weaver
Magic User:
– Bonus: +2 to damage dealt with illusion spells (trickster), +2 to spellcasting checks when in dim light or darkness (mage), +2 to Intelligence checks and saving throws (illusionist).
– Penalty: -1 to AC when wearing heavy armor (trickster), -1 to AC when wearing heavy armor (mage), -1 to Wisdom checks and saving throws (illusionist).
• Crusader (arms)
Honor Guard (tank)
Blessed Knight
• Paladin
• Archon:
– Bonus: +2 to damage dealt with weapons (crusader), +2 to AC when adjacent to an ally (paladin), +2 to Constitution checks and saving throws (archon).
– Penalty: -1 to AC when not using a shield (crusader), -1 to AC when not adjacent to an ally (paladin), -1 to Agility checks and saving throws (archon)
+2 for archon for block with shield, 2h parry or + 1 dual wild parry.
• Medicine Man
Fire breather
Bone Collector
• Primordial (mantras)
• Ritualist (voodooism, icanations, black magic).
– Bonus: +2 to healing done with spells (medicine man), +2 to damage dealt with fire spells (primordial), +2 to damage dealt with necrotic spells (ritualist).
– Penalty: -1 to AC when wearing heavy armor (medicine man), -1 to AC when not using fire spells (primordial), -1 to AC when not using necrotic spells (ritualist).
• Celestial (damage/heals caster)
Super Nova
• Ursidae
Dreamcryer (sleep spells and blunt weapons)
Swiftpaw (Arctodus, Enaliarctos, Tardigrade, etc).
Bear Warder (bear master)

• Rabid
Beast (feline, knine, primate, or amphibian)
Pack Master (summon or call upon any pack, herd, pride, swarm, flock, school, venery and so fourth to aid yourself and/or party.
– Bonus: +2 to damage dealt with radiant spells (celestial), +2 to AC when wearing light or medium armor (ursidae), +2 to damage dealt with poison spells (rabid).
– Penalty: -1 to AC when not casting radiant spells (celestial), -1 to AC when wearing heavy armor (ursidae), -1 to AC when not casting poison spells (rabid).
• Conjurer
• Seer
• Wizard
– Bonus: +2 to spellcasting checks with conjuration spells (conjurer), +2 to spellcasting checks with divination spells (seer), +2 to Intelligence checks and saving throws (wizard).
– Penalty: -1 to AC when not casting conjuration spells (conjurer), -1 to AC when not casting divination spells (seer), -1 to Wisdom checks and saving throws (wizard).
• Rogue
• Shadow Stalker
• Spellblade
Phantom Blade
Sprightly (animated weapons)
– Bonus: +2 to damage dealt with sneak attacks (rogue), +2 to Stealth checks (shadow stalker), +2 to spellcasting checks when using magical weapons (spellblade).
– Penalty: -1 to AC when not using sneak attacks (rogue), -1 to AC when not using Stealth (shadow stalker), -1 to AC when not using magical weapons (spellblade).
• Grimlock
Curse Weaver
• Bloodlock
• Necromancer

– Bonus: +2 to damage dealt with fire spells (grimlock), +2 to Charisma checks and saving throws (bloodlock), +2 to Constitution checks and saving throws (necromancer).
– Penalty: -1 to AC when not casting fire spells (grimlock), -1 to Wisdom checks and saving throws (bloodlock), -1 to Agility checks and saving throws (necromancer).
• Norwitch (good or chaotic good aligned)
Arctic Witch
• Lunar
• Brewmaster
Witch Doctor
Green Witch

– Bonus: +2 to damage dealt with cold spells (norwitch), +2 to spellcasting checks with moon-related spells (lunar), +2 to Intelligence checks and saving throws (brewmaster).
– Penalty: -1 to AC when not casting cold spells (norwitch), -1 to AC when not casting moon-related spells (lunar), -1 to Wisdom checks and saving throws (brewmaster).
Bonus: +2 to AC when wearing heavy armor (armorer), +2 to damage dealt with melee weapons (blade master), +2 to Strength checks and saving throws (warlord).
– Penalty: -1 to AC when not wearing heavy armor (armorer), -1 to AC when not using melee weapons (blade master), -1 to Agility checks and saving throws (warlord).l

• Armorer (good with both ranged and melee.

• Blade Master (good with all melee weapons and styles, spears n lances and hand to hand combat max for ranged proficient)
Savage Slayer
• Warlord (sub caster)
Sun Thrower

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