Slayers of Rings § Crowns

Playable Races

Slayers of Rings and Crowns Avatar Creation Page

Playable Races Image - Default is Nordic

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Playable Races
There are many playable races to choose from of many different sizes, cultures and species. They are all listed below in order of size, from gargantuan to small. Not all races or classes are playable in the included module below, but we’ve provided more details to those that are.
Here is a list of playable races followed by classes and their three variants. Keep in mind, as with races not all classes listed below are playable in the included module/campaign. To rank past runt, you’ll need to purchase other modules, campaigns and books. Please note that just as the case with inherited st, racial bonuses that other races inherit, can be learned and doing so will also allow avatars to utilize different class (native) bonuses as well. Keep in mind, some innate abilities like the length of life for sea turtles, arch elves and yawnies cannot be learned but you can live past your expected lifespan and there are spells that allow this. Faction is very important.

Playable Race Descriptions by Size
In the vast realms of Essentia, an array of wondrous creatures walk the lands, each holding their own unique qualities and abilities. Among them, we delve into the realm of races that are both playable or not, where physicality, alertness, resilience, knowledge, intelligence, other attributes and size greatly influence their capabilities and interactions with the world. This diversity, we encounter three distinct categories of playable races: the towering Goliaths, the standard-sized humanoids, and the diminutive yet daring small folk. Each group brings forth their distinct characteristics, opening up an incredibly diverse world of possibilities for courageous adventurers to explore.. Beginning on planet Zailister, get ready to let your imagination run wild as we set off on an epic adventure to uncover all the amazing wonders that lie within the sprawling worlds of Essentia.
Playable Races by Size

Goliath 7-8ft | Lifeblood LB 16

Bonus and Penalty Attributes
– Bast (cat people)
1 Bonus to Strength
1 to Agility
– Bugbear

1 bonus to strength
1 to Vigilance
1 penalty to intelligence
1 to persona
– Ogre

2 bonus to str
1 bonus to int
1 Prs
1 to str
1 perception
– Trolls
1 str
1 Spirit
– Drāxo Kin
1 str
1 prs
– Firbolgs
1 Artistry
1 Str
1 prs
Standard 5-7 feet | LB 12

-Imperial humans
-Arch Elf

Small 3-5 feet | LB 10 pints

FirbolWood Elf
Gnoll (5’ – 5’ 11”)

-Halflings (Pinklings, Darklings, Micelings, Brownlings [Brownies], and Pearlings).
-Gnombold Ratkin

(sloth-like humanoids 240 yrs because of slow metabolism- intelligent and great chameleons)

Goliath Playable Races
The Goliath race is a formidable group of beings known for their impressive stature and endurance. Standing between 7 to 8 feet in height, Goliaths possess a remarkable physical presence that often demands attention. They are born with an innate strength and vitality, boasting 16 lifeblood points even without any additional enhancements.

Despite sharing a common physicality, the Goliath category encompasses a diverse range of races that differ in their cultural backgrounds and abilities. Among these races are the ferocious Bugbears, known for their primal instincts and tenacious fighting skills. Then there are the graceful Bast, who possess feline features and characteristics, displaying incredible agility and a deep affinity for nature.


The Bast race, part of the Goliath category, is a unique and captivating group of beings known for their feline features and agility. With their cat-like ears, eyes, and sometimes even tails, they possess an undeniable grace and a deep connection to their natural surroundings.

Bast are renowned for their unparalleled dexterity, quick reflexes, and nimble movements. Their agile bodies allow them to navigate their environment with ease, making them exceptional climbers and acrobats. Known for their unparalleled balance and flexibility, Bast can seamlessly maneuver through difficult terrains or engage in swift combat.

In addition to their physical attributes, Bast embody a strong affinity for nature. They possess an innate understanding of the natural world, often forming deep bonds with animals and demonstrating exceptional prowess as hunters. Bast are also known for their heightened senses, which enable them to perceive even the faintest of sounds or scents.


The Bugbear race, part of the Goliath category, is a fearsome and primal group of beings known for their raw strength and tenacity. These hulking creatures possess a unique combination of brute force and cunning, making them formidable adversaries on the battlefield.

Bugbears have a distinct and imposing appearance. They stand taller than most other Goliaths, their towering frames reaching heights of 7 to 8 feet. Covered in coarse fur ranging in colors from deep earth tones to dark grays, they have broad shoulders and muscular builds that exude a sense of power.


The Hawkbear is a fantastical and awe-inspiring creature, a majestic hybrid that combines the physical attributes of a hawk and a bear. This magnificent creature possesses the strength and power of a bear, combined with the grace and aerial abilities of a hawk.

The Hawkbear’s physical appearance is a harmonious fusion of both creatures. Standing at an imposing height with a muscular bear body, its fur ranges from earthy tones to shades of brown and black. At the end of its powerful bear feet, sharp hawk talons take the place of paws, allowing it to grasp and maneuver with astonishing precision.

The upper body of the Hawkbear showcases the majesty of a hawk. Hawk shoulders give way to large, sturdy, and feathered wings that unfold in an impressive span. These wings allow the Hawkbear to take flight, soaring high above the ground with grace and agility. Its hawk head, adorned with keen eyes and a sharp beak, completes the remarkable blend of features.

Ogres are formidable and imposing humanoid creatures known for their immense size, incredible strength, and often brutish nature. Towering over most other humanoid races, ogres possess a hulking and muscular build, with thick limbs and broad shoulders.

Ogres have rough and thick skin, typically ranging in color from a sickly green to tan or gray. Their faces are broad and often blunt, with jutting jaws and large, protruding lower tusks. These tusks, along with their large underbites, give ogres a fearsome and savage appearance. Their small, beady eyes, set spaced apart, peer out from beneath heavy brow ridges.

In battle, ogres rely on their sheer physical might and resilience. Their tremendous strength allows them to wield heavy weapons with ease, and their toughened hide provides a natural armor of sorts. Despite their sometimes lumbering movements, ogres display surprising agility and reflexes when engaged in combat, making them dangerous foes on the battlefield.


The common troll, renowned for their hulking frames and incredible regenerative abilities, stands as a force to be reckoned with in various environments and societies. Their imposing stature and muscular build inspire both fear and respect among those who encounter them. Whether they dwell beneath bridges, in remote villages, sandy deserts, tribal societies, lofty mountain peaks, or bustling towns, each type of troll brings distinct characteristics and tales that shape their role within the world.

One of the most remarkable traits of trolls is their regenerative abilities…

Wounds that would incapacitate other beings heal rapidly with time, making the trolls near impervious to conventional means of harm. This remarkable resilience enables them to endure fierce battles and survive in harsh, unforgiving conditions. Their ability to rapidly recover from grievous injuries is a marvel to behold, allowing them to return to the fray with undiminished strength. As a result, trolls often serve as formidable guardians of their territories and are sought after in conflicts where their regenerative powers can turn the tide of a battle.

Although commonly associated with their fearsome reputation, trolls can also display surprising intelligence and adaptability. From the depths of their secluded homes to thriving communities, trolls have developed unique customs and societal structures. Each different troll clan or tribe brings its own set of skills and attributes. Some trolls, dwelling in tribal societies, possess immense knowledge of nature, living harmoniously with their surroundings and possessing a deep connection with the land. Others, found in bustling towns…

Bridge Trolls

Bridge Trolls, also known as City Trolls, serve as both imposing obstacles and enigmatic figures encountered during journeys. With their immense size and power, they take on the role of guardians over bridges, commanding tolls or presenting perplexing riddles to those who dare to cross their path. These trolls are often found lurking beneath the arches of bridges, their imposing presence and mysterious nature instilling both fear and intrigue in travelers. It is not uncommon for adventurers to face their daunting challenges while attempting to traverse these critical roadways, as Bridge Trolls serve as enigmatic gatekeepers, testing the resolve and wit of those who seek passage.

These City Trolls possess an air of mystique, their purpose and origins shrouded in mystery. Some legends suggest that they are ancient beings, intertwined with the very essence of the bridges they protect. Others claim that they are guardians appointed by higher powers, entrusted with the task of ensuring safe passage across crucial crossings. Regardless of their origin, Bridge Trolls are an integral part of the narrative fabric, adding excitement and uncertainty to journeys, and providing players with unique encounters that require both cunning and resourcefulness to navigate successfully.

Village Trolls

Village Trolls, found in secluded villages, embody peace, stoicism, and a profound connection to the land. These trolls have made their homes within close-knit communities, where they serve as dedicated protectors. With their hulking frames and natural resilience, Village Trolls are guardians that inspire both respect and a sense of security among the villagers. Keenly attuned to the rhythms of nature, they hold a special affinity for the land, often serving as stewards of the environment and champions of its balance.

Peaceful by nature, Village Trolls strive to maintain harmony within their communities, fostering an atmosphere of tranquility and unity. Their stoic demeanor is a source of inspiration and reassurance to those around them, instilling a sense of calm amidst the often chaotic world beyond their secluded villages. These trolls embody a deep reverence for nature, often serving as intermediaries between their communities and the natural world, ensuring a symbiotic relationship between the village and its surrounding ecosystem.

Sand Trolls

Thriving in sandy deserts, Sand Trolls possess a unique array of adaptations that allow them to not only survive but excel in these harsh environments. Their ability to withstand scorching temperatures, blend seamlessly into their arid surroundings, and maneuver treacherous sandy terrain, sets them apart as skilled desert nomads and formidable hunters. With their heat resistance and sand camouflage, they are able to navigate the desert with ease and precision, making them difficult to detect by both predator and prey.

In addition to their physical adaptations, Sand Trolls have evolved an impressive ability to endure extended periods without water. While water sources are scarce in the desert, these remarkable creatures possess an inherent capability to locate underground reservoirs and hidden flora that holds moisture. Their acute senses and deep understanding of the desert ecosystem enable them to detect subtle indicators of underground water sources, leading them to hidden oases and springs. Drawing on their vast knowledge of the desert flora, they recognize specific plants that can provide much-needed hydration during times of drought. Their innate instinct for finding water in these barren landscapes further demonstrates their adaptability and resourcefulness.

With their impressive array of adaptations and survival skills, Sand Trolls…

Mountain Trolls

The Mountain Trolls are a formidable race of beings that have chosen to make their homes high up in the mountains. Possessing remarkable strength and resilience to cold environments, they have adapted to thrive in the harshest conditions. Their affinity for heights allows them to effortlessly navigate treacherous mountain slopes and rocky terrain, making them exceptional climbers. While they often prefer a solitary existence, these trolls also act as protectors of their mountainous domains, fiercely guarding their territories against any potential threats.

Physically, Mountain Trolls are imposing creatures with muscular physiques, allowing them to perform daunting physical feats and making them formidable in combat. Their thick, weathered skin provides them with exceptional durability and protection against the biting cold that pervades their mountain abode. Deeply connected to their chosen mountain homes, they possess spiritual bonds with the peaks and have the ability to communicate with mountain creatures. Loyalty runs deep within them, and they will stop at nothing to defend their domain from any intruders who dare to encroach upon it.

Town Trolls

Town Trolls are a breed of trolls typically seen thriving in the midst of busy towns and bustling cities. These trolls have uniquely adapted to urban environments, harnessing their stature and innate abilities to excel in a range of roles within these civilized settings. Due to their impressive size and strength, they are often sought after as bouncers, bodyguards, or enforcers, utilizing their intimidating presence to maintain order and security.

These trolls, unlike their mountain-dwelling counterparts, have traded the solitude of high peaks for the constant activity and energy of urban life. They possess a keen sense of awareness, allowing them to navigate crowded streets and busy markets with ease. With their formidable physiques and innate toughness, they are well-suited to handle the challenges and dangers that urban environments may present. Town Trolls have found their niche in various trades and positions where their physical prowess and imposing presence can be effectively utilized to protect establishments, maintain law and order, and provide a sense of security within the urban landscape.

Bridge Troll, Fuildiloaf The White, pictured below, stays near the church because of a bounty on his head by evildoers. It is rumored he escaped a demon’s throne room entrance to the gate of hell, but Fuildiloaf only murmurs as he lost his ability to speak when he awoke from a coma after being found by giant rescue weasel, and rescued by the excavation at the summit of mt x (highest peak on Sin).


Playable Firbolgs are a race of gentle giants renowned for their immense size, ethereal grace, and deep connection with nature. Towering at an average height of nine to ten feet, they possess a hypnotic blend of human and elven features, with skin ranging from earthy tones of brown and green to mossy hues. Their thick, lustrous hair cascades down their backs, mirroring the colors of the forests they call home. Framed by prominent, expressive eyebrows, their eyes exhibit a wide range of vibrant shades, reminiscent of emeralds, amber, or sapphire.

Firbolgs possess an innate connection to the natural world, an ingrained understanding of the ebb and flow of life around them. They are masters of preserving the delicate balance of ecosystems and hold a profound respect for all flora and fauna. They often dwell in secluded groves or hidden enclaves, where they live harmoniously with nature, tending to ancient trees and nurturing the lands they inhabit.

Continuously linked to their wild heritage, Firbolgs possess the ability to communicate telepathically with animals, forging deep bonds and harnessing the assistance of creatures indigenous to their surroundings. This connection extends to the plant kingdom as well, enabling them to understand the needs and secrets of flora, using their botanical knowledge to heal and soothe with herbal remedies.


Standard Size
The Standard Size Category encompasses a diverse array of races that share a common physical characteristic, standing between 5 to 7 feet tall. These races, though falling within a similar height range, exhibit remarkable diversity in their cultures, appearances, and capabilities.

A significant trait of the Standard Size Category is the moderate physical attributes possessed by its races. While they may not excel in extreme strength or agility, they strike a balance between the two, allowing for versatility in various domains. Whether it be combat prowess, craftsmanship, magical aptitude, or intellectual pursuits, the races within this category offer a range of paths for adventurers to explore.


Centyr, also known as the Center, is a unique and fascinating race within your ttrpg world. Combining human-like features with various types of horns and matching animal lower bodies, Centyr beings possess a striking and mythical appearance. The most common Centyr race are tge Sylvan.

At their core, Centyrs have human facial features, retaining the familiar structure of a human face. However, it is their horns that truly distinguish them. These horns come in diverse shapes and sizes, reflecting the wide range of animal influences within the Centyr race. Whether it be the majestic antlers reminiscent of a moose or elk, the elegant and spiraling horns reminiscent of a unicorn, or the curved and twisted horns reminiscent of various goat or sheep species, each Centyr bears a distinctive set of horns that adds to the allure of their appearance.

In terms of their physical structure, the Centyr maintain a human torso, enabling them to engage in social interactions and activities akin to their human counterparts. However, from the waist down, their bodies transform into the matching lower body of the animal that corresponds to their unique horns. This fusion of human and animal forms not only grants them remarkable physical abilities and characteristics but also showcases their deep connection to the animal kingdom.

Dwarves, renowned for their resilience and craftsmanship, are divided into specialized subtypes in this ttrpg. Common Dwarves excel in craftsmanship and mining, while Glimmer Stone Dwarves possess a natural affinity for gemstones and treasure finding. Dark Dwarves are skilled in stealth and shadow magic, Ash Dwarves thrive in volcanic regions, and Golem Dwarves craft and animate golems. Snow Dwarves adapt to icy terrains, Arctic Dwarves brave polar explorations, and Red Dwarves specialize in metallurgy. These playable dwarf races offer diverse choices, each with unique traits and attributes, enriching the immersive world of the game.

Common Dwarves

Common dwarves, often referred to as the journeymen and Jack of all trades of various dwarven clans, embody a diverse range of abilities and skills that make them indispensable within their communities. While they may lack the specialized expertise of certain dwarf subclasses, they excel in their adaptability and versatility, able to perform multiple tasks with competence and efficiency. As the backbone of their clans, they are often the go-to members for any task requiring a combination of physical strength, mental acuity, and ingenuity.

These dwarves have an innate talent for craftsmanship that is admired across all clans. Whether it be forging mighty weapons, creating intricate jewelry, or sculpting magnificent works of art, their exceptional skills in the field of craftsmanship are unrivaled. Through meticulous attention to detail and unmatched dedication, they produce works of enduring quality, each creation a testament to their honed expertise and artistic prowess. Their craftsmanship not only serves as a source of pride but also symbolizes the strong connection they have with their ancestral heritage.

In addition to their dedication to craftsmanship…

Dark Dwarves are a unique group who possess an assortment of distinct characteristics. Their skin exhibits a wide range of colors, spanning from pearl white to opal black, but it is their rough texture that sets them apart. This texture is a result of the harsh conditions they endure above ground, which have given them their name.

In addition to their diverse skin tones, Dark Dwarves possess remarkable dark vision, enabling them to see clearly in environments with low-light or complete darkness. This heightened sense helps them navigate and thrive in their preferred habitat.

Stealth is one of their notable abilities, and they excel at using camouflage to their advantage, particularly in dark places or among the shadows of the dense forest that blankets their mountainous territories. This skill allows them to move undetected and observe their surroundings with great precision.

Dark Dwarves’ exceptional mastery of smithing and their lifelong exposure to ash and smoke have contributed to the darkened appearance of their skin. They have chosen to make the mountains their home and, as avid explorers, venture deep into the heart of these majestic landscapes. They embark on their journeys from the mountain peaks, descending into the depths, uncovering the mysteries that lie beneath the surface.

Their diet mainly consists of the creatures that inhabit the rugged mountains and the fish sourced from underground lakes and waterfalls. Although they seldom venture beyond their beloved mountains…

Ash Dwarves

Originating from the fiery landscapes of volcanic regions, Ash Dwarves are known for their remarkable adaptation to extreme heat. Their bodies have developed a natural resistance to the scorching temperatures, allowing them to navigate the challenging environments with relative ease. They possess an inherent endurance that surpasses that of other dwarven kin, enabling them to withstand the intense heat and inhospitable conditions of their chosen habitats.

These resourceful beings have honed exceptional survival skills, learned through generations of living amidst the molten landscapes. They have become adept at utilizing the surrounding resources, harnessing the power of lava and magma to their advantage. Through their extensive knowledge of volcanic phenomena, ash dwarves have acquired unique abilities related to manipulating and controlling the fiery elements.

In addition to their survival instincts and proficiency in managing the extreme temperatures…

Golem Dwarves

Golem Dwarves possess an innate affinity for minerals and raw materials, allowing them to source and manipulate the necessary components to construct their golems. They have an extensive knowledge of rare ores, crystals, and elemental essences, which they incorporate into their creations to grant them enhanced abilities. The golems themselves can be crafted from various materials, ranging from stone and metal to more exotic substances found deep within the earth. This versatility in construction materials gives the Golem Dwarves a vast array of options when designing their constructs.

The relationship between Golem Dwarves and their golems is not solely one-sided. While the dwarves take pride in their craftsmanship, they acknowledge the golems as more than mere tools. They consider their creations as companions and allies, fostering a deep bond and sense of loyalty. Golems become an integral part of Golem Dwarf society, often treated as honored members of the clan and given names to reflect their unique personalities. This symbiotic relationship between creator and golem strengthens the unity and resilience of the Golem Dwarves, cementing their reputation as craftsmen and guardians of unparalleled skill.

Snow Dwarves

Snow Dwarves are a hardy and resourceful clan that call the frigid and snow-covered lands their home. Adapted to endure the extreme cold and harsh conditions, they have developed a remarkable resilience to freezing temperatures. Snow Dwarves possess a natural insulating layer of thick, weather-resistant skin and are equipped with an efficient internal system that helps them retain body heat. These adaptations enable them to thrive in icy terrains that would be inhospitable to other races.

Their survival skills in the snowy wilderness are unparalleled. Snow Dwarves are adept hunters and expert trackers, relying on their sharp senses and extensive knowledge of their environment to locate prey and navigate treacherous terrain. They have perfected the art of camouflage, using their surroundings to blend seamlessly with the snowy landscapes. Through years of living in such extreme conditions, snow dwarves have acquired an innate understanding of the weather patterns, animal behavior, and the ways of their icy homeland. Their expertise in survival makes them invaluable guides and companions for any ventures into frozen realms.

Arctic Dwarves
Arctic Dwarves are very close cousins and allies to the Snow Dwatves described above. Known for their exceptional adaptation and vigilance to even more extreme ice and snow conditions, the Arctic dwarves rely on the Snow Dwarves to trade between the icy coasts of the Arctic, or snowy summits near castle towns to the frozen Arctic that even the snow dwarves (bundled up) cannot withstand for more than a week’s time. While Snow Dwarves are already resilient to freezing temperatures and skilled in icy terrains, Arctic Dwarves have pushed their physical endurance and adaptability to even greater limits. They thrive in regions of the world that are considered too treacherous and unforgiving for other races.

Arctic Dwarves possess an uncanny ability to navigate through the most extreme ice and snow environments with ease. Their bodies have evolved to withstand bone-chilling temperatures and brutal winds, making them far more comfortable in frigid landscapes than their Snow Dwarf counterparts may care to admit. They have developed specialized techniques for survival, such as constructing ingenious ice shelters, utilizing ice formations for tactical advantage, and even forging paths through thick layers of ice that would deter others. The Arctic Dwarves’ seemingly innate understanding and affinity for the colder realms set them apart, making them the ultimate masters of the most extreme ice and snow conditions.

Red Dwarves are a captivating clan known for their blazing energy and striking crimson-toned skin. Their distinct coloration is a manifestation of their innate affinity for fire, an elemental force that courses through their very essence. Unlike their fellow dwarven counterparts, Red Dwarves possess a natural proclivity for fire magic, granting them unparalleled mastery over spells and abilities related to flames. Gifted in the arcane arts, Red Dwarf sorcerers harness their fiery heritage to command spells that other sorcerers can only dream of. They possess a unique arsenal of fire-based incantations, allowing them to create raging infernos, summon fiery allies, and unleash devastating heat-based attacks upon their foes. The intense connection they share with fire grants them a deep understanding of its intricacies, enabling them to manipulate flames with refined precision. Red Dwarves often inhabit mountainous regions abundant in fiery resources, such as fire opals and deposits of volcanic minerals. Their dwellings are intricately crafted to combine the safety of sturdy mountain caverns with the vibrancy of crackling hearths. These resilient and resourceful dwarves hold these sacred stones in high regard, considering them both precious treasures and conduits of their fiery power. As masters of both fire magic and the elemental forces, Red Dwarves possess a natural affinity for flames and an extraordinary ability to unleash their fiery might upon the world. With their distinctive talents, they stand as both formidable magic-users and guardians of the ancient fires that shape their realms.

Stone Dwarves

Stone Dwarves are a stalwart and stoic clan, earn their distinctive granite-like skin through years of working with stone and minerals. Their robust frames and roughened skin are a testament to their deep connection to the earth and their daily interactions with solid rock. Through their diligent craftsmanship and skilled masonry, Stone Dwarves transform their bodies, gradually imbuing their skin with the texture and hardness reminiscent of the very stone they work with.

Renowned for their ability to manipulate stone and minerals, Stone Dwarves are unparalleled masters of earth magic. Through their innate connection to the earth, they can shape and command the very ground beneath them. With a mere touch, they can summon forth mighty earthquakes, fashion massive stone golems to aid them in battle, and erect impenetrable walls of rock to protect their people. As sorcerers, Stone Dwarves possess a profound understanding of earth-based spells, honed by their close affinity to the minerals and stones that make up the land they inhabit.

Deep within the heart of mountain ranges…

Elves (standard size)

Elves (standard size) are a diverse and fascinating race. These beings possess a graceful and athletic build, with delicate features such as pointed ears and captivating, ethereal eyes. There are several distinct elf races that inhabit this universe, each with their own unique characteristics and cultures. Arch Elves are the wise and ancient elders of elven society, revered for their extensive knowledge and mastery in various disciplines. Common Elves, the most numerous among their kind, are adaptable and versatile, excelling in a multitude of professions and displaying a strong sense of community. High Elves are known for their profound connection to magic and intellectual prowess, while Sylvan Elves embody a deep affinity with the natural world and possess exceptional skills in wilderness survival. The Underdark Elves, also known as drow, have adapted to the treacherous subterranean realm, harnessing their combat prowess and mastery of dark magic. All these standard-sized playable elf races in the ttrpg offer players a rich and immersive experience, immersing them in the vast and captivating world of elven culture.

Arch Elves
Within the extraordinary realm of Zailister, one finds the enigmatic and illustrious Arch Elves, a race whose multifaceted skills and rich cultural heritage are unmatched. Renowned for their prowess on the battlefield, Arch Elves are master swordsmen and shield bearers. Their elegant and swift combat techniques, combined with their innate agility, grant them an unrivaled edge in conflicts. With their soaring swordplay and adept shield-bearing, Arch Elves leave their opponents awestruck, astonished by their deadly precision.

But it is not just their martial prowess that sets Arch Elves apart. They are also revered as magic users and wizards, harnessing the mystical energies that permeate the land of Zailister. Drawing upon their inherent connection to the arcane, Arch Elves wield spells with finesse and expertise. From manipulating elements to summoning otherworldly beings, their command over magic is both awe-inspiring and terrifying. The Arch Elves’ proficiency in swordplay and shield-bearing only serves to enhance their already formidable magical abilities, making them an unstoppable force on the battlefield.

The Arch Elves, however, are not defined solely by their combat prowess and magical aptitude. They are also renowned for their architectural ingenuity, particularly evident in the creation of their captivation kingdoms. Nestled high in the mountain-top forests, these ethereal cities are unparalleled in their beauty and grandeur. With their breathtaking structures seamlessly blending elven elegance with the enchanting allure of nature, the Arch Elves’ kingdoms stand as testament to their superior craftsmanship and profound understanding of aesthetics.

Though the Arch Elves’ kingdoms are considered unmatched in their magnificence, they are only surpassed by the grandeur of the imperial humans. Here, amidst towering forests and lofty mountains, the Arch Elves’ kingdoms serve not only as impressive fortifications but also as cultural centers of enlightenment. Libraries preserving ancient knowledge, academies dedicated to the pursuit of wisdom, and sanctuaries preserving the secrets of magic can be found within these realms. Scholars and adventurers from all corners of Zailister flock to these captivating kingdoms, seeking the Arch Elves’ unparalleled knowledge and the tranquility of their secluded domains.

In summary, the Arch Elves are an extraordinary race, revered as master swordsmen, shield bearers, and magic users. Their prowess on the battlefield is matched only by their command over arcane energies. Building exquisite kingdoms high in the mountain-top forests, the Arch Elves capture the imagination of all who behold their awe-inspiring architecture. In the realm of Zailister, their multifaceted abilities and cultural splendor make them an unrivaled presence, eternally captivating those fortunate enough to witness their greatness.

Common Elves
In the enchanting realm of Zailister, the common elves exude a sense of ethereal elegance and harmony with nature. Agile and nimble, these elves possess a unique connection to the forests that surround them. Their lithe frames and swift movements allow them to navigate the dense woodlands with grace, making them exceptional hunters and gatherers. Common elves are known for their innate skill with the bow and arrow, employing the long-range weapon with remarkable precision in both hunting and skirmishes.

Magic too flows through the veins of the common elves, though not to the same extent as their Arch Elf brethren. While they may lack the profound mastery of spellcasting, common elves possess an affinity for nature magic. By drawing upon the mystical energies of the natural world, they can manipulate and commune with plants, animals, and the elements themselves. This connection to the essence of Zailister grants them the ability to conjure healing energies, manipulate flora for defense or camouflage, and communicate with the creatures of the forest.

In their way of life, common elves embrace a deep reverence for nature and a sense of communal harmony. They live in close-knit communities nestled amidst the forests, coexisting with the flora and fauna that surround them. The common elves have a deep understanding of the delicate balance of the natural world and strive to preserve it. They are skilled herbalists, utilizing the healing properties of plants to tend to the sick and injured, and live in harmony with the wildlife, considering them fellow inhabitants rather than adversaries.

In summary, the common elves embody a profound connection to nature, showcasing their agility and skill with the bow as expert hunters. While not as proficient in magic as the Arch Elves, the common elves possess a unique affinity for nature magic, allowing them to commune with and manipulate the natural world. With their deep reverence for nature and communal harmony, they inhabit tight-knit forest communities, preserving the delicate balance of the enchanted world of Zailister.

High Elves
In the realm of Zailister, high elves are revered for their regal grace, fascination with the arcane, and deep connection to nature. Among their favored classes, bards mesmerize audiences with magical music and captivating tales, weaving a harmony of melody and magic. Druids, on the other hand, find solace in the serene forests, communing with spirits and commanding the forces of nature as adept shape-shifters. Lastly, shamans bridge the mortal and ethereal realms, channeling ancestral wisdom and harnessing elemental forces.

High elves excel in ranged abilities, wielding bows with precision and commanding powerful spells from a distance. While not as renowned in swordplay as their Arch Elf brethren, they possess moderate proficiency in close-quarters combat, ensuring their capability to defend themselves when needed. This versatility further enhances their role as formidable adversaries on the battlefield.

In summary, high elves of Zailister possess a deep affinity for the arcane arts, with bards enchanting with melodic magic, Druids embodying the harmony of nature, and shamans bridging realms for ancestral guidance. Their skilled command of ranged abilities, coupled with moderate sword skills, makes them adept adversaries in both long-range and close-quarters combat.

Sylvan Elves

Underdark Elves (drow)

Gnolls are a ferocious and primal race, known for their savage nature and animalistic attributes. These hyena-like humanoids exhibit a unique blend of humanoid and canine features, with coarse fur covering their muscular bodies. Gnolls possess a hunched posture, combining an unsettling blend of grace and predatory instinct. Their eyes are often glowing with an eerie intensity, reflecting their relentless hunger for power and conquest.

Standing tall at an average height of six to seven feet, gnolls possess sinewy limbs built for speed, agility, and brutal strength. Their sharp claws and fangs make them formidable in close-quarters combat, while their heightened senses and exceptional night vision allow them to excel in tracking and hunting prey.

Gnolls are born in litters and deeply entrenched in a tribal society, structured around an alpha-dominated hierarchy. Each tribe is fiercely territorial, with the strongest and most ruthless gnoll assuming leadership. The leader, known as the Pack Lord or Alpha, commands absolute loyalty from their subordinates and shapes the culture and values of the tribe. Gnoll society is centered around survival, power, and domination, with little regard for the morality or ethics of their actions.

Driven by an insatiable hunger, both for physical sustenance and the desire for dominance, gnolls are infamous for their brutality and relentless raids on neighboring settlements. They are known to be merciless, often reveling in chaos and destruction, leaving nothing but devastation in their wake.

Gnolls possess an uncanny resilience, able to endure hardships that would break most other races. Their raw physical power, coupled with an innate predatory instinct, grants them the ability to push through pain and overcome adversity. They are adept at adapting to different environments, able to survive in the harshest of terrains and thrive amidst scarcity.

Yawnies, the sloth-like humanoids, are a unique and intriguing race in the world of ttrpgs. With their adorably slow and peaceful demeanor, Yawnies may appear docile and unassuming at first glance. However, beneath their placid exterior lies incredible strength, remarkable agility, and a profound connection to the natural world.

Yawnies possess a stout and sturdy build, similar to their sloth counterparts. Their bodies are covered in a fine layer of soft fur, which varies in shades of earthy browns and greens, often camouflaging them within the foliage of their forested habitats. Yawnies have large, soulful eyes that sparkle with wisdom and a tranquil aura, reflecting their ever-calm and relaxed nature.

Due to their slow metabolism, Yawnies age at a much slower rate than other humanoid races, allowing them to live exceptionally long lives. They have a heightened sense of patience and a deep appreciation for the simpler joys in life. Their unhurried lifestyle grants them ample time for contemplation, observation, and the development of a deep spiritual connection with their surroundings.

Yawnies’ affinity with nature shapes their favorite classes, namely ranger, monk, and druid. Ranger Yawnies excel in utilizing their innate stealth and agility to navigate the wilderness, imbued with an unrivaled ability to commune with the creatures of the forest. Monk Yawnies harness their natural agility and grace, incorporating their slow and deliberate movements into their combat techniques. Yawnie Druids are masters of harnessing the primal forces of nature, channeling their energy through connection and harmony.

While Yawnies may not possess the raw physical strength of other races…


In the realm of your ttrpg, the Nordians stand out as an imposing and distinct race. Towering over standard-sized humanoids, Nordians possess a formidable physical presence that demands attention. While their immense stature may instill fear in some, their unique appearance further sets them apart from other races.

Nordians are characterized by their striking albinism, rendering their skin devoid of pigmentation. Their hair, long and flowing, cascades down in shades of pale blonde, silver, or even white. Their most notable feature, however, lies in their eyes. While the traditional trait is a vibrant red hue, Nordians also possess eyes in an array of captivating pastel colors, such as blue, green, grey, violet, silver, or gold. These enchanting irises contribute to their mesmerizing and enigmatic aura, often drawing the gaze of those around them.

Despite their striking appearance, Nordians are not merely defined by their looks. They display a wide range of abilities and skills that amplify their physical prowess. Their sheer size grants them incredible strength and endurance, often making them formidable warriors on the battlefield. Nordians excel in close-quarters combat, wielding weapons with unmatched power and utilizing their imposing height to intimidate adversaries.

Moreover, Nordians are adept in the art of camouflage, honing their ability to blend seamlessly into their surroundings. Whether it be amidst snowy landscapes, dense forests, or even bustling towns, Nordians have an uncanny knack for remaining unnoticed until they wish otherwise. Their natural affinity for stealth makes them formidable spies, scouts, and guerrilla warriors. They possess an instinctual understanding of the environment, enabling them to navigate and maneuver silently and undetected. Such skills make Nordians invaluable assets when it comes to surprise attacks or ambushing foes.

Nordian culture is heavily influenced by the raven. The king of the northern-most Nordian tribe is named Father Corbett, which means father of ravens.

Not much is known about the Vanwa other than the are they were high elves captured by arctic orcs, a few got away, that set refuge not to far. Later others that have orc blood in them got away as well and met with the high elves that set camp. After 100s of years of time together, they’ve evolved into what is known as the Vanwa. They carry a good part of orc str and high elf int.

The Vanwa are a lost race of high elves
that fell into orcus territories and now
hold both high elf and orc blood.


Small Size
Within the small race category, players have the option to choose from a variety of races, all standing between 3 to 5 feet tall. This category includes Halflings, Micelings, Wood Elves, Half Elves, Brownlings, and Gnombold Ratkin. These races may be small in stature, but they make up for it with their extraordinary abilities, agility, and determination.

Their small size often gives them an advantage in stealth and maneuverability, making them excellent candidates for classes such as strategists and the talent tree scout. The small race category is commonly associated with classes that require dexterity, finesse, and quick thinking to overcome challenges. Whether it’s a nimble Halfling rogue skillfully navigating through locked doors or a cunning Gnombold Ratkin wizard using their small size to their advantage in battle, these small races possess unique traits that make them stand out in the world of Sorc.
Micelings are a small and fascinating race within the small category. Resembling tiny mouse-like creatures, they possess qualities that set them apart from other races. Standing between 3 to 5 feet tall, Micelings are incredibly nimble and agile, making them exceptional at maneuvering through even the narrowest of spaces. They possess a natural affinity for nature, often living in small burrows and forming close-knit communities.
Micelings are resourceful creatures, using their small size to their advantage. Their keen senses allow them to detect subtle changes in their environment, and their agility enables them to swiftly navigate through obstacles. Whether they are traversing dense forests, exploring hidden nooks and crannies, or outsmarting adversaries, Micelings excel in their ability to adapt and thrive in their surroundings.
Despite their small stature, Micelings have a strong sense of community and loyalty. They are known for their cooperative nature and are often found helping others. Micelings possess a deep connection with the natural world, providing them with an innate understanding of plants, animals, and their environments. They often serve as skilled scouts, gatherers, and naturalists, using their unique skills to aid their allies and ensure their own survival in the world.
Micelings are formidable allies, utilizing their agility and natural talents to excel in classes such as rangers, druids, and rogues. Their small size and exceptional abilities make them adept at stealth, allowing them to navigate treacherous situations with ease. Whether it’s stealthily gathering information, tracking elusive targets, or using their knowledge of the natural world to their advantage, Micelings bring a unique and valuable perspective to any adventuring party.
Above is Apollo, a Mouseling Strategist- Trickster and is a Master Mole – Thief and follows the Archetype path of Hermit, now a Recluse 5 ✨ exy 7.18. Apollo is master proficiency in ranged and 1h dual wield.

Wood Elf
Wood Elves, belonging to the small race category, are a fascinating and enigmatic race in the fantasy world. While I may not provide a detailed description, Wood Elves are known for their affinity with nature and their deep connection to the forests and wilderness. Standing between 3 to 5 feet tall, these graceful beings are renowned for their exceptional agility, speed, and keen senses.

Hailing from ancient woodlands, Wood Elves possess a deep understanding of the plants, animals, and natural cycles that surround them. They are often guardians of the forests, protecting their domains from harm and ensuring the balance of nature is preserved. They possess exceptional archery skills, able to use their small stature and natural agility to shoot with unrivaled accuracy.

Wood Elves exhibit a harmonious coexistence with the natural world, seamlessly blending into their surroundings. They can move silently through the forest, leaving no trace of their passing while remaining vigilant and aware of their environment. Their connection with nature grants them unique abilities, such as communicating with animals or harnessing the power of the forest to heal wounds or summon aid.

As adventurers, Wood Elves…

Half Elf
Half-Elves, a hybrid race born from the union between humans and elves, are a unique and diverse group within the fantasy realm. Combining the best qualities of both races, they possess a blend of human adaptability and elven grace. Half-Elves inherit the physical features and longevity of elves, yet they lack the complete cultural immersion found within elven societies.
Characterized by their unique appearances, Half-Elves typically stand around human height, varying from 5 to 6 feet tall. They possess the refined features of elves, such as slightly pointed ears and captivating eyes, but their human heritage often results in a broader range of physical appearances. Their skin tone can vary widely, from fair to olive or tan, depending on their individual heritage.
Half-Elves possess an inherent adaptability that arises from their mixed heritage. They can seamlessly fit into both human and elven communities, though they may feel like outsiders in either. Their versatility extends beyond appearances, as they are known for their ability to adapt and excel in various pursuits, whether it be magic, swordsmanship, diplomacy, or artistry.

Gifted with a natural charisma inherited from both human and elven lineages…

Ling Races
Halflings (Hobbits or Small Folk): Halflings are a race of small, peace-loving individuals with a deep appreciation for comfort and food. Standing around 3 to 4 feet tall, they possess a cheerful and friendly nature. Halflings excel as thieves, bards, or cooks due to their nimble fingers, musical talents, and culinary expertise. They possess an indomitable spirit and an unwavering enthusiasm for the simple pleasures of life.

Darklings (part Halfling and part Drow):
Darklings are the result of the union between half elf and drow, a dark and underground-dwelling elven race. These half-breeds combine the agility and grace of elves with the hardiness and resilience of halflings. Half-Darklings typically stand around 3 to 4 feet tall, with striking features reminiscent of their elven lineage, such as pale or dusky skin and a tendency toward darker hair and eyes. They are known for their adaptability, stealth, and survival skills.

Pinklings are halflings with a subtle pink hue to their skin. They possess a slightly more mysterious and secretive nature compared to other halflings. While not inherently evil, they have a tendency towards erratic behavior and can be driven by obsessions or possessiveness of shiny materialistic things of magic. Pinklings are often skilled in stealth, manipulation, or illusionary magic, making them adept thieves, rogues, or tricksters. They are hermits by nature and prefer the hermit archetype, they’re great scouts and masters of deceit.

Above, Bloodfang (Barbarian Blood Pinkling):
Bloodfang, the Barbarian Blood Pinkling, is a force of raw power and ferocity. Covered in deep pink scales that resemble crimson armor plates, this hulking Pinkling stands tall and muscular. Their veins run with thick pink ink, enhancing their physical capabilities and granting them superhuman strength. With a war paint of dark pink streaks across their face, Bloodfang charges into battle with a mighty rage, swinging a massive pink-hued greataxe that cleaves through enemies with little effort. Their wild, untamed nature fuels their fighting spirit, making them nearly unstoppable when in the throes of battle. Be prepared for an unstoppable onslaught when facing Bloodfang, as they unleash their rage with devastating force.

Above, Crimson Shadow (Rogue Pinkling):
Crimson Shadow, the Rogue Pinkling, is a master of stealth and deception. With vibrant pink skin that seems to shimmer in the light, this Pinkling moves swiftly and silently, leaving only a trace of pink mist in their wake. His ink-based abilities make them adept at manipulating shadows to conceal himself or confuse enemies. Wielding a set of specially crafted daggers, Crimson Shadow can swiftly dispatch foes with precise strikes, exploiting the element of surprise. He’s known for his intelligence, ever-evolving ink techniques, and ability to infiltrate even the most secure of strongholds. Be wary of their mischievous pink-hued eyes; he may be observing from the shadows, ready to strike.

Tranquil Lotus (Monk Pinkling):
Tranquil Lotus, the Monk Pinkling, embodies grace, discipline, and inner harmony. Clad in flowing pink silk robes adorned with intricately embroidered lotus patterns, this Pinkling radiates serenity. Their pink skin has an ethereal glow, giving them an otherworldly presence. With their unparalleled martial arts skills and mastery of spiritual ink techniques, Tranquil Lotus channels the pink-hued ink flowing within them to strike with precision and immense speed. Their enlightenment grants them the ability to manipulate their qi, manifesting as pink energy that surrounds their fists and enhances their strikes. Tranquil Lotus seeks to restore balance and justice in the world, and their tranquil demeanor masks a determination that can rival even the fiercest warriors.
These three powerful Pinklings each possess unique abilities, backgrounds, and fighting styles, making them formidable opponents or allies within the world of SorC. Whether you encounter the cunning stealth of Crimson Shadow, the relentless fury of Bloodfang, or the calm power of Tranquil Lotus, be prepared for engaging and memorable encounters with these vibrant and powerful beings.
Bloodfang Pinklings

Greenlings are halflings with a soft, verdant tint to their skin. They have a deeply rooted connection to nature and a strong affinity for the natural world. With their green hue, they blend seamlessly into forest environments. Greenlings often possess the ability to communicate with animals, manipulate plants, or harness nature-based magic. They excel as druids, rangers, or herbalists, utilizing their natural prowess to protect the balance of the natural world.
These halfling races bring a unique flavor and diversity, offering a range of abilities, talents, and backgrounds for your players to explore and incorporate into their characters.

Gnombold Ratkin

The Gnombold Ratkin, a race born from the blending of gnomes, kobolds, and rats, thrives in the subterranean depths they call home. Standing at an average height of 3 to 3.5 feet, their bodies bear physical traits inherited from their diverse ancestors. Adorned with tough fur in shades of brown, gray, and darker hues, the Gnombolds blend seamlessly with their dimly lit surroundings, camouflaging themselves amidst the tunnels.

With the powerful jaws and teeth inherited from kobolds, the Gnombolds boast a fierce bite that can grip prey tightly and tear through various materials. Their sharp claws and large paws aid in climbing rocky terrains and navigating through soil effortlessly, showcasing their agility and dexterity honed through their rat ancestry. They are formidable miners, ambushers, rogues, and thieves, with unmatched skill in manipulating their nimble hands and sharp senses.

The Goblinoid Ratkin’s gnome bloodline grants them innate intelligence…

Glimmer Stone Dwarves

Glimmer Stone Dwarves are a fascinating race known for their extraordinary skills in working with gemstones and rare minerals. They possess a natural affinity for these precious materials, allowing them to intricately cut, shape, and incorporate them into their creations. As master craftsmen, their creations are nothing short of breathtaking works of art. The dazzling beauty of their gemstone-infused creations is enough to captivate anyone who gazes upon them. The mastery of their craft has earned them a well-deserved reputation as the finest gemstone artisans in the land.

However, the talents of Glimmer Stone Dwarves extend far beyond their exceptional craftsmanship. They are born with an innate ability to find treasure and uncover valuable loot of any type. Whether it is buried deep beneath layers of soil, concealed within ancient ruins, or hidden in secret compartments, these dwarves possess an uncanny knack for sniffing out riches that others may overlook. Their keen eye for gemstones extends to a profound understanding of minerals, allowing them to recognize the qualities necessary for enhancing and enchanting gear.

With their gift for finding treasure and their expertise in gemstone manipulation…

Racial Survival Traits
When faced with challenges that threaten their survival, avatars in this system must rely on their survival traits to succeed versus potential threats. Each attribute is associated with both inherited (racial) and acquired survival traits (class). InheritedSt (InheritedSt) can be learned as well, but if the avatar is not of the default race of the trait, it may take some work for progression. For instance, a gnome starts with a – 10 in strength InheritedSt while an ogre starts – 10 in intellect. It’s completely up to the player. InheritedSt InheritedStare always in effect and passive, while acquired survival traits AcquiredSt are more action-based and require initiative from either the player or HA. The survival traits associated with each of the 8 attributes are unique to race and class and can vary greatly, from the ability to move with incredible speed and nimbleness to the capacity to endure extreme physical or emotional hardships.
Remember, InheritedSt are determined by the avatar’s race, while acquired survival traits are learned through training and experience. Both can be improved upon, but each is associated with a particular attribute. For example, the attribute resilience is associated with InhertedSt’s; iron will and indomitable will, while AcquiredSt such as mental fortitude and iron endurance can also be learned.
Using both passive and action base survival throws, allows for a more strategic approach to survival, where avatars must choose the right moment(s) to activate their survival traits to maximize their chances of success or rely on their passive InheritedSt.
An example of InheritedSt would be as follows: A barbarian in a party of 5 is down and losing lifeblood. He’s prone and until his turn is incapable of attacking or using any AcquiredSt, but his InheritedSt under Resilience; fortitude, constitution, determination, health and brawn, with the help of the other players in the party, may keep him alive. Any attack against him, while the others were either fighting or keeping him alive, will all be rolled when his turn begins because of his passive InheritedSt he chose, IF it (or they) apply to the particular threat. These rolls will not take an action; however, his next decision will require an action, whether it is to stand up, crawl back a space or whatever he chooses to do. To perform a combat action or to throw an AcuiredSt, he’ll need to have stood up, be lifted up and wait his next turn.
Overall, the use of attributes and survival traits in this system adds an additional layer of depth and strategy to gameplay, allowing avatars to rely on their unique strengths and abilities to survive challenges and succeed in their quests.
To summarize, survival traits are used as bonuses to survival throws when the avatar is faced with challenges or threats. When attempting a survival throw, the player would roll the specified dice and add their survival trait score for the corresponding attribute. InheritedSt are freely rolled (and you must roll or take the threats damage) and AcquiredSt require an action.
For example, if a avatar with the Unyielding Mind (Focus) survival trait (link above) is facing a psychological attack, the player would roll the dice for the survival throw and add their Unyielding Mind score to the total.
Similarly, if an avatar with the Elemental Resistance survival trait is confronted with an elemental attack, the player would roll the survival throw dice and add their Elemental Resistance score to their total.
Using survival traits as bonuses to survival throws allows players to use their avatar’s unique racial attributes and abilities to overcome challenges. It also adds an extra layer of strategy and customization to gameplay, as players can choose which survival traits to prioritize and develop over time.
Inherited Survival Traits
Each race gets to choose 1 to three InheritedSt. When facing detrimental encounters, players will roll xd6 and add their InheritedSt vs the source of potential harm’s attack plus its roll. These rolls are called Survival Throws. Players rolled results will be compared to risk factors; whether they are combat, natural environment, npc environment, passive npc encounters, spiritual, or any other risk. If the player’s roll, along with its modifier, is higher than the risk factor’s roll (the DA), the player is successful, if not the DA rolls for damage accordingly. There are many situations where players, the environment, npc’s and monsters counter-roll for damage as well.

Players use their remnants (see below) to place their InheritedSt, AcquiredSt and Talent scores. In this section, we are discussing InheritedSt.

Players can choose 1, 2 or all 3 of the available racial InheritedSt, but the modifier cap changes depending on how many they choose. Below are the caps that are determined by how many InheritedSt the player puts remnants (unspent attribute points – see below) into. The first column of cells represents the amount of InheritedSt the player chooses. The less they choose, the stronger the modifier.

Number of InheritedSt Chosen
Modifier Cap Determined by the InheritedSt Chosen

This formula is used at rank runt and every rank cycle after peasant (but not AT peasant), so Adventurer and every rank cycle after, but not stars (1 ✨ , 2 ✨, 3 ✨, 4 ✨ and 5 ✨) between each rank after.

The formula above gives the players something to think about; quality or quantity? Here is a list and description of every playable race and the 3 InheritedSt available for each.

Racial InheritedSt Goliath


Feline Agility: This InheritedSt enhances the Bast’s natural agility and grace, making them exceptionally nimble and acrobatic. It grants them increased speed, dexterity, and balance, allowing them to navigate through difficult terrains with ease. Feline Agility also enhances their reflexes, making them more resilient to sudden attacks or obstacles. With Feline Agility, Bast can dodge incoming blows, jump over obstacles, and climb walls with ease.

Natural Hunter: This InheritedSt amplifies the Bast’s innate connection to nature, making them exceptional hunters. It grants them heightened senses, allowing them to detect prey from a distance and track them with precision. Natural Hunter also enhances their stealth and camouflage abilities, making it easier for them to sneak up on their targets undetected. With Natural Hunter, Bast can hunt down prey with ease and accuracy, making them formidable hunters in their society.

3. Prideful Resilience: This InheritedSt emphasizes the Bast’s pride and determination, making them more resilient in the face of adversity. It grants them increased mental fortitude, allowing them to overcome challenges and persevere through difficult situations. Prideful Resilience also enhances their physical resilience, making them more resistant to injury and damage. With Prideful Resilience, Bast can push themselves beyond their limits, showcasing their indomitable spirit and resilience in the face of adversity.

All three used in an in game situation.


The bugbear’s InheritedSt are Mighty Resilience (Strength-based), Unwavering Endurance (Fortitude-based), and Astute Watchfulness (Vigilance-based). These InheritedSt allow the bugbear to resist or overcome challenges that target their strength, fortitude, and vigilance attributes, respectively.

1. Mighty Resilience (Strength InheritedSt):
Bugbears possess tremendous physical strength and resilience, enabling them to endure and overcome challenges that test their might. The Mighty Resilience InheritedSt represents the bugbear’s ability to withstand or resist effects that directly target their strength. It could be used when facing attempts to grapple or restrain them, resist against forceful impacts, or resist physical manipulation that threatens their strength. Activating this InheritedSt allows the bugbear to tap into their inner strength, bolstering their defenses and increasing their resistance to such effects, ensuring their formidable physique remains unrivaled.

Unwavering Endurance (Fortitude InheritedSt):
Bugbears possess an unwavering fortitude, allowing them to endure taxing conditions and overcome bodily weakness or ailments. The Unwavering Endurance InheritedSt represents their ability to resist or recover from effects that test their overall resilience and stamina. This InheritedSt can be activated when facing poisons, diseases, exhaustion, or other adverse physical conditions that compromise their well-being. By activating this InheritedSt, the bugbear can tap into their inner fortitude, bolstering their body’s defenses and increasing their resistance against these detrimental effects, allowing them to push through and emerge victorious.

Astute Watchfulness (Vigilance InheritedSt):
Bugbears possess a keen sense of awareness and vigilance, allowing them to detect danger and perceive hidden threats. The Astute Watchfulness InheritedSt represents their ability to remain alert and react swiftly to sudden or subtle changes in their surroundings. This InheritedSt can be activated when facing traps, ambushes, hidden enemies, or deceptive illusions that attempt to take advantage of the bugbear’s perception. Activating this InheritedSt heightens their senses, sharpening their focus, and increasing their resistance against these surprise elements, ensuring they can react swiftly and effectively to whatever danger presents itself.

All three used in an in game situation.


The Hawkbear’s revised InheritedSt are Indomitable Power (Strength-based), Agile Evasion (Agility-based), and Keen Perception (Vigilance-based). These InheritedSt showcase the Hawkbear’s exceptional strength, agility, and heightened senses, allowing it to access its incredible power, perform agile maneuvers, and maintain unwavering vigilance in the face of various challenges. These abilities granted by the InheritedSt reflect the unique characteristics and remarkable qualities of the Hawkbear, symbolizing the majestic fusion of a hawk and a bear within the creature.

Indomitable Power (Strength InheritedSt):
The Hawkbear possesses formidable strength, comparable to that of a bear. The Indomitable Power InheritedSt represents the Hawkbear’s ability to exert immense physical force and overcome obstacles that require sheer strength. Activating this InheritedSt unleashes the full might of the Hawkbear, empowering its attacks, enabling it to overpower opponents, and allowing it to break through barriers or obstacles obstructing its path. As the InheritedSt is activated, the Hawkbear’s muscles tense and bulge, exuding an intimidating aura of power as it harnesses its incredible strength.

Agile Evasion (Agility InheritedSt):
As a creature uniquely blending the traits of a hawk and a bear, the Hawkbear possesses remarkable agility and aerial maneuverability. The Agile Evasion InheritedSt represents the Hawkbear’s ability to swiftly dodge attacks, navigate through treacherous terrain, or elude hazards through its nimble and precise movements. When this InheritedSt is activated, the Hawkbear’s reflexes sharpen, its movements become more fluid and graceful, allowing it to dart and weave seamlessly, and avoid threats with finesse. This agility grants the Hawkbear an advantage in evading danger and ensuring its survival.

Keen Perception (Vigilance InheritedSt):
Drawing from the hawk’s exceptional visual acuity and the bear’s keen senses, the Hawkbear possesses an innate vigilance and a heightened awareness of its surroundings. The Keen Perception InheritedSt represents the Hawkbear’s ability to spot hidden enemies, detect concealed traps, or uncover subtle indications of danger. Activating this InheritedSt enhances the Hawkbear’s perception, allowing it to discern minute details and identify potential threats that others might miss. When triggered, the Hawkbear’s eyes become piercing and alert, scanning the environment with an unparalleled focus, ensuring it remains one step ahead in every situation.

All three used in an in game situation.


Brute Force InheritedSt vs Strength:
The Brute Force InheritedSt measures the ogre’s raw physical power and their ability to exert force in situations that require sheer strength. It represents their proficiency in tasks such as lifting heavy objects, breaking through barriers, or overpowering opponents. When faced with challenges relying on pure strength, the ogre must roll high on the Brute Force InheritedSt to succeed and overcome the obstacle.

Iron Will InheritedSt vs Resilience: The Iron Will InheritedSt demonstrates the ogre’s incredible resilience and ability to endure various forms of damage and hardship. It encompasses their physical endurance, tolerance to pain, and their capacity to resist debilitating effects. Whether it’s withstanding an onslaught of attacks, resisting poisons or diseases, or enduring extreme weather conditions, rolling high on the Iron Will InheritedSt is crucial for the ogre’s survival.

Inner Control InheritedSt vs Persona:The Inner Control InheritedSt focuses on the ogre’s capacity to maintain control over their emotions, instincts, and reactionary behaviors. It reflects their ability to keep a level head, resist manipulation, and maintain composure in challenging situations. This InheritedSt encompasses their ability to resist mind-altering effects, control aggressive impulses, and engage in diplomatic or nuanced interactions. Rolling high on the Inner Control InheritedSt allows the ogre to navigate through social challenges and maintain their grasp on their personal identity.

Examples of the 3 Ogre InheritedSt used in play.

Troll (all variants)

The troll possesses three InheritedSt: Unyielding Might (Strength-based), Stalwart Endurance (Fortitude-based), and Regenerative Vitality (Resilience-based). These InheritedSt highlight the troll’s exceptional strength, fortitude, and regenerative capabilities. Unyielding Might showcases the troll’s overwhelming physical strength, Stalwart Endurance emphasizes its resilience to harmful effects, and Regenerative Vitality exemplifies its ability to undergo rapid healing and recovery. With these InheritedSt at its disposal, the troll becomes a formidable foe, capable of enduring and triumphing through intense battles and dire circumstances.

1. Unyielding Might (Strength InheritedSt):
The Unyielding Might InheritedSt represents the troll’s extraordinary strength and raw power. When faced with an obstacle requiring brute force, the troll can activate this InheritedSt to tap into its immense physical might. As the InheritedSt is triggered, the troll’s muscles visibly bulge, veins protrude from its skin, and an aura of sheer strength emanates from its form. With a surge of power, the troll becomes capable of overpowering adversaries, breaking through barriers, or lifting heavy objects that would prove insurmountable to lesser beings.

2. Stalwart Endurance (Fortitude InheritedSt):
The Stalwart Endurance InheritedSt embodies the troll’s unyielding fortitude and resistance to harm. When subjected to debilitating effects, poisons, or other potential threats to its constitution, the troll can activate this InheritedSt to fortify its physical resilience. As the InheritedSt comes into effect, the troll’s body appears to toughen, its skin thickening and displaying an enhanced resiliency. Through this InheritedSt, the troll gains increased resistance to physical or magical harm, reducing the effectiveness of attacks or mitigating the impact of negative conditions, allowing it to persevere through adversity.

3. Regenerative Vitality (Resilience InheritedSt):
The Resilience InheritedSt reflects the troll’s remarkable and infamous regenerative abilities. Activating this InheritedSt allows the troll to harness its innate regenerative vitality to heal wounds and recover from injuries. As the InheritedSt is invoked, the troll’s wounds begin to visibly mend, injuries closing before onlookers’ eyes. This regenerative process grants the troll an accelerated rate of healing and rejuvenation, allowing it to rapidly recover from minor injuries and even reattach severed limbs in the heat of battle. Moreover, the energy channeled through this InheritedSt enables the troll to become more resistant to ongoing damage, mitigating the effects of debilitating conditions over time.

All three used in an in game situation.


The Firbolg possesses three InheritedSt: Mighty Resilience (Strength-based), Foresight’s Sentinel (Vigilance-based), and Towering Presence (Persona-based). Towering Presence represents the Firbolg’s ability to influence and command attention through their imposing size and combination of gentle kindness and subtle authority. With this InheritedSt, the Firbolg can inspire respect, defuse tense situations, and lend their voice and influence to shape events. The Firbolg’s unique blend of gentle demeanor and commanding presence marks them as unforgettable and powerful beings in any given circumstance.
Mighty Resistance (Strength InheritedSt):The Mighty Resistance InheritedSt represents the physical strength and formidable power of the Firbolg. When faced with challenges that demand sheer force and raw might, the Firbolg can activate this InheritedSt. As it harnesses its innate strength, the Firbolg’s muscles bulge, and an aura of power radiates from its massive form. This InheritedSt enhances the Firbolg’s physical strength, allowing it to overpower foes, break through obstacles, or withstand mighty blows.

Foresight’s Sentinel (Vigilance InheritedSt):The Foresight’s Sentinel InheritedSt embodies the Firbolg’s sharp senses, intuition, and heightened awareness of their surroundings. This InheritedSt allows the Firbolg to perceive threats or danger that would go unnoticed by others. As the InheritedSt is invoked, the Firbolg’s senses become heightened, their eyes sharpen, and their intuition sharpens. Through Foresight’s Sentinel, the Firbolg gains an uncanny ability to detect hidden traps, foresee impending danger, or react with astounding reflexes when ambushed, thereby enabling it to navigate perilous situations with finesse.
Towering Presence (Persona InheritedSt):
The Towering Presence InheritedSt showcases the Firbolg’s imposing stature and the subtle power it wields due to its size and inherent aura. This InheritedSt reflects the Firbolg’s ability to influence and command attention through their mere presence, combining their awkward kindness with an undeniable sense of authority. When activating Towering Presence, the Firbolg’s gentle features become more commanding, their eyes take on an intense gaze, and their movements exude an air of inherent authority.
All three used in an in game situation.

Racial InheritedSt Standard

Drāxo Kin

Resilience of the Silver Scales (Resilience-based InheritedSt): When faced with physical challenges or threats, the Drāxo Kin can tap into their combined imperial human and silver dragon lineage, evoking their innate resilience. This InheritedSt represents their exceptional endurance, durability, and ability to withstand physical harm.

Clarity of the Drāxonic Mind (Intellect InheritedSt): In situations that require mental acuity, strategic thinking, and the ability to resist manipulation or illusions, the Drāxo Kin relies on their hybrid nature’s inherited intellect to prevail. They make a InheritedSt named “Clarity of the Drāxonic Mind,” symbolizing their sharp intellect derived from their imperial human and silver dragon bloodlines. This InheritedSt measures their mental acumen, capacity for critical thinking, and resistance against magical or psychological influences that seek to disrupt their thoughts or alter their perceptions.

Essence of Dual Ascendance (Persona InheritedSt): When the Drāxo Kin’s emotions, charisma, or force of personality become the focus of a challenge or interaction, they invoke the “Essence of Dual Ascendance” InheritedSt. This represents the melding of their imperial human and silver dragon origins to evoke a captivating persona that transcends mere mortal charm. This InheritedSt captures their unique charisma, leadership abilities, and charm, allowing them to influence others and excel in social situations or negotiations that rely on the strength of their presence and persuasive influence.

Examples in play.

Additionally, due to their dragon blood and physical attributes, Drāxo Kin have the following traits related to their lifeblood and armor:

Lifeblood: Although Drāxo Kin are not of Goliath size, they possess a substantial amount of lifeblood, with 18 points. This reflects their robust vitality and enduring nature.

Armor Threshold Penalty: The unique nature of their dragon blood affects the Drāxo Kin’s ability to resist injury when not wearing armor. They have a -2 threshold bonus, indicating that they are less resistant to damage without protection. When wearing leather armor, they still retain half of the bonus, resulting in a -1 threshold bonus. Similarly, if they choose to wear a gambeson and/or fauld, they still keep the -1 threshold bonus.

Dwarf (all variants)

Mighty Resistance (Strength): This InheritedSt embodies the dwarves’ exceptional strength and fortitude, allowing them to withstand and overcome physical challenges. Rooted in their powerful physiques, this trait is determined by their strength attribute. The higher their strength, the greater their ability to endure and resist physical harm. Dwarves with a higher strength attribute demonstrate remarkable resilience and are capable of enduring harsh conditions and recovering swiftly from injuries.

Indomitable Fortitude (Resilience): This InheritedSt highlights the dwarves’ unwavering resilience and determination. Drawn from their innate grit and resilience, this trait is determined by their resilience attribute. It encompasses both physical and mental fortitude, enabling dwarves to endure and persevere through formidable trials. Those with a higher resilience attribute exhibit an indomitable spirit, allowing them to resist adversity, shake off debilitating effects, and recover quickly from physical and mental strain.

Vigilant Guardianship (Vigilance): This InheritedSt epitomizes the dwarves’ watchful nature and keen perception. Rooted in their vigilant instincts, this trait is determined by their vigilance attribute. Dwarves with a heightened vigilance attribute possess exceptional situational awareness and are adept at sensing potential threats or dangers. This enables them to take proactive measures, anticipate ambushes, and react swiftly, giving them a heightened advantage in combat and survival situations. Their unwavering vigilance allows them to spot hidden dangers and protect themselves and their allies effectively. This is used vs surprise attacks, where the dwarf will not be surprised. It’s also used in the change of environment, where the dwarf may have suddenly had a disadvantage.

Three Examples

Elf (common)

Mental Acuity: InheritedSt vs intellect: The Mental Acuity InheritedSt represents the elf’s inherent intellect and mental Artistry. It measures their ability to solve complex puzzles, decipher arcane scripts, recall detailed information, or outsmart opponents through sheer wit and cleverness. Rolling high on the Mental Acuity InheritedSt allows the elf to overcome intellectual challenges and make strategic decisions based on their vast knowledge and sharp intellect.

Keen Senses: InheritedSt vs Vigilance: The Keen Senses InheritedSt showcases the elf’s heightened perception and intuition. It encompasses their extraordinary ability to detect hidden dangers, notice subtle details, and respond quickly to immediate threats. This InheritedSt often comes into play when the elf needs to dodge ambushes, sense hidden enemies, or avoid traps. Rolling high on the Keen Senses InheritedSt enables the elf to react swiftly, potentially avoiding harm or gaining a tactical advantage.

Gracefulness InheritedS vs Artistry:

The Gracefulness InheritedSt reflects the elf’s natural elegance, nimbleness, and agility in their movements. It covers tasks that require precise motor skills, such as acrobatics, gymnastics, or balancing maneuvers. Rolling high on the Gracefulness InheritedSt allows the elf to perform intricate movements flawlessly, whether it’s dodging incoming projectiles, traversing treacherous terrain, or executing complex combat maneuvers with finesse.

Examples in play.

Arch Elves:

Arch Elves possess the innate ability of Immortality, a gift that sets them apart from other elven subraces. They do not age, and instead, they live for hundreds, or even thousands, of years. This immortality grants them incredible wisdom, experience, and a deep understanding of the world around them.

Immortality (Vigilance)
While they can still die from severe injuries or fatal battles, the Arch Elves’ prolonged lifespan allows them to accumulate knowledge and mastery over myriad skills, giving them a unique perspective and advantage in their adventures. This is a self resurrection survival throw, but the Arch Elf will need to be escorted to a nearby friendly camp (of any sort) and is out of commission for x days, depending on the nature of death and may lose some of its talents and AcuiredSt. The Arach Elf is also summoned to x once he can stand on its own, to mediate properly in order to restore its magic and InheritedSt.

Arcane Affinity: This InheritedSt represents the Arch Elves’ natural affinity and mastery over magic. It encompasses their ability to manipulate and harness arcane energies with effortless precision. Rolling high on the Arcane Affinity InheritedSt allows Arch Elves to cast spells with immense power, accuracy, and control. Whether wielding destructive elemental forces, invoking protective barriers, or summoning mystical creatures, their command over magic is unparalleled. This InheritedSt also grants them a deep understanding of magical lore and the ability to decipher ancient spells and incantations.

Ethereal Agility: This InheritedSt showcases the Arch Elves’ extraordinary agility and nimbleness, further enhancing their combat prowess. Rooted in their innate grace and coordination, it allows Arch Elves to perform incredible acrobatic maneuvers, swift dodges, and seamless transitions between offensive and defensive maneuvers. Rolling high on the Ethereal Agility InheritedSt enables Arch Elves to evade attacks with unmatched finesse, strike with lightning-fast precision, and navigate through complex environments effortlessly. Their agility becomes an essential asset in both combat and exploration, granting them a distinct advantage in any situation.

Examples of the all three.


1. Feral Agility (Agility): Gnolls possess a natural agility inherited from their wild nature. The InheritedSt “Feral Agility” represents their nimbleness, dexterity, and swift reflexes. This InheritedSt grants Gnolls an advantage in tasks that require fine motor skills, quick reaction times, and agility-based maneuvers. It could be used to dodge attacks, perform acrobatics, or move swiftly through difficult terrain.

2. Primal Scent (Vigilance): Gnolls have a heightened sense of smell, inherited from their primal ancestry. The InheritedSt “Primal Scent” allows Gnolls to detect scents that might be imperceptible to others. This InheritedSt enhances their ability to track targets, identify hidden objects, or detect the presence of creatures or danger based on smell. It provides them with an advantage in situations that rely on olfactory perception and tracking abilities.

3. Resilient Endurance (Resilience): Gnolls are known for their resilience and stamina when facing physical challenges. The InheritedSt “Resilient Endurance” represents their ability to withstand fatigue and persevere in demanding situations. This InheritedSt grants Gnolls a resistance to exhaustion, increased stamina, and the ability to endure physical strain for extended periods. It could be used to overcome physical obstacles, resist debilitating effects of long journeys, or engage in prolonged physical activities without tiring easily.

Examples of all three. .


The Vanwa possess the Arcane Resistance (Intellect) InheritedSt due to their mixed heritage of high elf and orc blood, granting them a natural affinity for magic and resilience against arcane spells. Their Nimble Evasion (Agility) InheritedSt showcases their agility, enabling them to evade physical harm through swift movements and calculated defenses. With the Endurance of the Orcs (Resilience) InheritedSt, the Vanwa draw strength from their orcish heritage, allowing them to endure battles, shrug off detrimental effects, and persevere through challenges. In a survival situation, the Vanwa can utilize these inherited traits effectively – their arcane resistance allows them to withstand magical assaults, nimble evasion aids in dodging attacks, and endurance of the orcs enables them to endure and recover from injuries. By leveraging these InheritedSt, the Vanwa increase their chances of survival in the face of adversity.

Arcane Resistance (Intellect): This InheritedSt represents the Vanwa’s inherent affinity for magic and their ability to resist its harmful effects. With their high elf and orc blood, they have developed a unique resilience to arcane spells.

Nimble Evasion (Agility): This InheritedSt emphasizes the Vanwa’s agility and nimbleness, allowing them to evade physical harm through quick and calculated movements. It is determined by their agility attribute, which enhances their defensive capabilities and evasion skills. The higher their agility, the more successful they are at evading attacks and emerging unscathed from combat encounters.

Endurance of the Orcs (Resilience): This InheritedSt highlights the Vanwa’s resilience and endurance, reflecting their orcish heritage. This InheritedSt helps them endure the rigors of battle, shrug off detrimental effects, and persevere through challenging situations.

Examples of all 3 Vanwa InheritedSt during in game situations.


Resilient Spirit (InheritedSt resilience – mental): Despite their slow-paced lifestyle, Yawnies possess an inherent resilience that emerges in moments of danger or distress. When faced with adversity or threatened, they tap into a hidden well of strength and determination. Yawnies with this inherited trait can summon a burst of surprising strength, catching their foes off guard and demonstrating their tenacity. This resilience allows them to face challenges with unwavering resolve, even when the odds are stacked against them. When below x hit points, Yawnies can curl up and roll away from danger, this is five foot roll that also increases their amor class by 10 until the end of the roll.

Natural Camouflage (InheritedSt vs vigilance): Yawnies have a remarkable ability to blend seamlessly into their surroundings, much like their sloth inspirations. With this inherited trait, Yawnies can control the coloration of their fur, adapting it to match the environment around them. This natural camouflage provides them with a significant advantage in stealth and survival, making them incredibly difficult to detect while moving through forests, jungles, or any other terrain where they can conceal themselves within the foliage. Their knack for blending into their surroundings allows them to approach their enemies unnoticed or observe without raising suspicion. This survival trait makes the yawnie invisible if in the proper context environment, which is anywhere in the wild as they have a high vigilance.

Serene Aura (InheritedSt vs resilience [mental]): Yawnies possess a tranquil and calming presence that radiates from within them. Yawnies with this inherited trait emit an aura of inner peace and serenity, capable of soothing emotions and easing tensions in their vicinity. This aura can have a calming effect, not only on their companions but also on wild creatures. It allows them to diffuse potentially hostile situations, influencing the behavior of others and fostering a sense of tranquility within the group. This serene aura can prove beneficial both in social interactions and when navigating through potentially volatile environments. This is a party buff, that provides all members a morality boost which raises the entire party’s AC.

Examples in play.


Racial InheritedSt – Small Size

Nimble Reflexes: Micelings possess exceptional reflexes and agility, granting them advantage on Dexterity InheritedSt. Their ability to swiftly react enables them to avoid traps, dodge projectiles, and evade harmful effects that require quick reflexes.

Enhanced Senses (Vigilance): Micelings have sharp senses, providing them advantage on Vigilance survival throws. Their heightened vigilance allows them to detect hidden dangers, resist mind-altering spells or illusions, and remain alert in chaotic or confusing situations.

Nature’s Resilience (Resilience). Micelings have an inherent connection with the natural world, granting them advantage on Constitution survival throws related to environmental hazards or magical effects that affect their physical well-being. This resilience helps them endure extreme temperatures, resist natural poisons, and maintain their vitality in difficult terrains.
3 examples in play.

Physical Description
Hobblings are stout and sturdy, with a compact, stocky build reminiscent of dwarves. They typically stand between 3-4 feet tall, with a robust physique that belies their small stature. Their skin is often weathered and ruddy, with a warm, earthy complexion. Their hair is usually dark brown or blonde, often curly and unkempt, framing their round faces. Their eyes are bright and expressive, with a mischievous twinkle that hints at their halfling heritage.
Physical Features
* Hobblings have broad shoulders and a sturdy build, with powerful arms and legs that are well-suited for digging, hauling, and other physical labor.
* Their ears are slightly pointed, but not as pronounced as those of full-blooded dwarves.
* They have a distinctive “button nose” similar to halflings, but it’s slightly stronger and more angular than those found on typical halflings.
* Their feet are sturdy and wide, with toes that are strong and well-suited for walking and climbing.
Behavioral Traits
* Hobblings are known for their love of comfort, food, and relaxation. They have a strong appreciation for simple pleasures in life and are often found enjoying a hearty meal or engaging in leisurely activities.
* Despite their laid-back nature, Hobblings are fiercely loyal to their friends and family and will go to great lengths to protect them.
* They have a strong connection to the earth and the natural world, often displaying a deep respect for the land and its creatures.
* Hobblings are naturally skilled at digging, mining, and crafting, due to their mixed heritage.
* Physical Strength: +2 (due to their stout build)
* Resistance to Cold: +1 (from their dwarven ancestry)
* Skill: Crafting (miner’s tools, woodworking) +2 (from their halfling love of craftsmanship)
* Special Ability: “Earth Sense” – Hobblings can sense changes in the earth’s energy, allowing them to detect hidden dangers or underground structures.

Complete Set of Rules in the Works

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avatar quotes, stories, chants, hexes, prayers, crits, killing blows, blunders and more.

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