Slayers of Rings § Crowns

Slayers of Rings § Crowns Avatar Creation

Slayers of Rings and Crowns Avatar Creation Page

Opening Blurb

Creating Your Avatar

Introduction to Avatar Creation

Creating an Avatar in SorC uses a system that requires a compilation of sheets that make up the Avatar’s Album. We feel that going beyond summarizing your Avatar’s bullet points adds elements of identity and lifestyle, storytelling, recognition, ambition and more details that help capture and record the essence of your Avatar. A detailed Avatar Portfolio outlines unique traits and abilities, and several additional sheets tie into backstory, relationships, and goals that allow players to keep track of their Avatar’s lives and accolades as they age. All in all, the Album will help players dig for deeper connections and adventuring throughout their entire lives.

How it Works

The Album is a compilation of sheets rolled together to form a scroll. Rolling the sheets together is solely a role-playing idea. During play, and thereafter, the Players will stack the sheets on the playing surface, and navigate through them at their own will and the Director’s discretion; however, players must comply with certain pages, like; their Portfolio and Action Sheets.

In order from front to back, the sheets that are rolled together, include; the Album Cover (1 sheet), the Avatar’s Portfolio (1 sheet – front and back), Journal n Logs Sheet (Journal- x number of sheets), Home and Family Sheet (x number of sheets), Reference Sheet(formulas, calculations etc – x number of sheets – and the Archives Sheet (x number of sheets).

Paladin Presenting Player the Album Rolled Scrolls

To add sheets, Players will stack them in the proper section and their Avatars roll it all together into a Scroll, then tie it or slide it through rings to hold them together. At the Player’s choice, the Album can become quite large, but there are many ways to store them, including; a vault in their home or bank, Cohorts with oxen pulled carts, magically protected crystal tubes, your backpack, or mapped and buried. The size of the Album is completely dependent on how much the Player want to invest in identifying her Avatar.

When sheets are added to the Album, it’s called Rolling, and when one is taken away it’s called, Unrolling…

Each Album portrays the unique identity of the Avatar in question and displays essential information related to combat, adventuring, hobbies, professions, stories and more. Below each section of the Album is explained in greater detail…

The Director may hint to players or remind them of things to guide them through tough situations. Surviving through your campaigns in games is not an easy task, and features many Legendary Hosts that both help and stand in the way.

Album Cover

We’ll begin by defining the Album Cover. The Album Cover is a bit thicker (in theory) than the rest of the sheets, and because of this protects the rest of them. It also adds flare and design to the Album, whether it’s open faced in the Avatar’s Home, or rolled together tightly with the rest of the sheets.

Because it is the most simple sheet to design, it’s the sheet introduced to the Player’s to begin customization of their respective Albums. This is a good way to ease players into editing the remaining sheets. The Album Cover includes the Player’s choice of beginning text and/or image; whether it’s a runic design, family crest, picture of your pet or Avatar’s self portrait. There really isn’t much else to this sheet, as it is kept together, as a scroll, and tied together with the rest of the Album.

Default Avatar Album CoverAbove is a default Avatar Album Cover sheet, and below is a sample of a filled in Cober sheet.

Below is a completed Avatar Album CoverCompleted Avatar Album Cover

Following the Album Cover, is the Avatar’s Portfolio sheet, and this sheet contains the following information:

  • Player Name: Player name is the Player’s actual first name, or User Name the Player chooses to be referred to as, both in home and on the web. Avatar Name and Nickname
  • Avatar Portrait: This is a self-rendered portrait of your character’s image placed in the smaller image holder than the Album Cover, which isn’t necessarily a Portrait of the Avatar. Just as the Album Cover, a family crest, guild mark or anything the player chooses can be placed here.
  • Race, Subrace, Class, Subclass and Variant Classes
  • Genes, Age, Gender, Hair, Skin, Weight, Height, Eyes and Body Type are all here.
  • Attributes, Archetype Path information, Alignment- Standing – Affiliations are also recorded here, as you can see in the empty template below.

Avatar Portfolio
Action Sheet

The Action Sheet is an array of Action sheets that you’ll turn to when performing any Action, including; Combat Actions (combat abilities), Hobby n Profession Actions (skills) and Adventuring Actions (talents)…

Album Cover Flowchart

Playable Races and Classes

Display of Futuristic Races Found 8th, 9th n 10th Planets away from Zailister (Zail)
Futurem and Omni Displayed as Scoundrels, Bounty Hunters and Rangers.






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