Slayers of Rings § Crowns



Attributes in our game are as follows (subject to change): Agility, Artistry, Focus, intelligence, Strength, Wisdom, Persona, Resilience, Spirit and Vigilance. Attributes play a crucial role in Ability, Talent, Skill and Survival Trait outcomes. We’ll discuss Attributes in greater detail later.

Abilities, Talents and Skills

When players approach combat through their adventures, they will be asked by their Director to pull the Combat Action sheet. This will happen either unexpectedly, expectedly or randomly and it doesn’t always require combat between two or more parties. Spells, buffs or heals of any kind are considered Combat moves, so if a player is being healed by a field medic, they’ll need the Combat Action sheet to adjust their Avatar’ stats.

There are also Supernatural Abilities, not to be confused with Miracles. Supernatural Abilities are a special set of Combat Abilities that Players can buy when choosing their Abilities during Creation and every Class Level thereafter. SorC uses a point buying system, so it will take lots of saving points to purchase Supernatural Abilities several Class Levels after Avatar Creation. Purchasing Supernatural Abilities (SNA) requires purchasing less Combat Abilities in order to save enough points for the SNA, which cost much more than standard combat abilities.

As you read in Avatar Creation, SorC uses three Action Sheets, Combat, Talents and Skills, that are divided within the Avatar Album. Following the Director’s guidelines, the three isolated sheets enable players to quickly engage in as many different styles and techniques of play. Too, the Director will enforce Action Sheet navigation when adventuring calls for it.

Professions and Hobbies page is pulled during Avatar past time, while they’re in town at the local anvil or leather smith or in the wild fishing as a hobby or a profession. These three features in question are separated categorically, in this way:

Lastly, there are Archetype Path Abilities and we will cover these in the section on Archetype Paths but they work in a similar fashion as Combat Abilities.

Pending are lists of; Combat Abilities (Attack), Combat Abilities (Defensive), Supernatural Abilities, Health Thresholds, and both Inherited Survival Traits and Acquired Survival Traits linked to their respective Trees, which are all part of the Combat Action Sheet.


Talents are a set of capabilities Avatars hold under a list of Talent Trees Players choose from. Talents are not designed to be used in combat, but they can be at a higher action cost. Talents are more so used during adventuring, such as; a Scout carving a branch, starting a fire or leading the way to a safer path. An Olympiad jumps across a canyon. A mole squeezes between a canyon’s two tight walls. Talents are chosen from a Talent Tree, and the strength of each Talent individually will rely on its Proficiency, in this order; Amateur, Talented, Accomplished, Elite, Iconic and GOAT (Greatest of all Time).

Talents have their own Action Sheet (see Avatar Album) that is pulled while Adventuring no matter where your party is. Like everything in SorC games, Talents are purchased at Avatar Creation and every Class Level. Talents require backpacks, sacks and/or pouches that Avatars must have on them to perform.

Talent Trees

Talent Trees are broken up in arrays of Talents Avatars will perform throughout the journeys. These Talents will play a crucial role in helping players navigate through campaigns and adventures with their avatars. The allocation and modifier of talent points are influenced by factors such as race, class, and attributes.

Below is a list of available Talents, each linked to its respective Talent Tree:


Professions and Hobbies differ from Talents in several ways. Hobbies and Professions are utilized during Avatars’ past times and each Avatar only gets a certain number of Actions per day. Very much like Talents from Talent Trees, Professions and Hobbies each have a Skill Set of which Players choose Skills for their Avatars. The level of these actions will depend on the Expertise of the Avatar’s practiced Skill Set(s), in this order; Green, Novice, Journeyman, Expert, Master and Grandmaster.

Players can choose as many Professions as they wish, or they can choose Professions as Hobbies; however, once you’ve gathered enough points in any respective Profession to reach Journeyman, your profession is no longer a Hobby. Professions have many advantages over Hobbies, such as; bartering your product, the chance of higher quality of your product, the time it takes to create your product and selling your product on the Market legally.

Professions and Hobbies have their own Action sheet, and since Avatars are only allowed so many turns per day, you’ll need to spend your time crafting and adventuring and combat wisely. These actions are usually performed in town and usually before or after adventuring; however, if the resources are available, i.e., a small town’s Anvil, spend part of your turns on crafting them, as long as the rest of the party aren’t anxious.

Other examples are; a shop for a carpenter, or a farm for a farmhand. These places are usually found in cities, towns and even villages, or your Avatar’s home, but too they can be found in the wilderness, and if the party agrees to stop for “work,” then it can be done. Say for instance your party is running low on food and has an Avatar that has the Talent of Hunter and points in Fishing and whose Profession or Hobby is a Cook…. well if there’s water around this is a practical way of getting food, and if there’s not, the party would need to do spot checks for wildlife, and the hunter holes that route; however, be careful because if there is a Fish and Game Warden nearby (or even in your party) this too isn’t practical. Does the Hunter turn to gathering, or does the Party’s Professional or Hobbyist Apothecary use her Herbalism Skill?

Below is the list of Professions linked to its respective Skill Set:

Additionally, there are survival traits that encompass both innate abilities (inherited – inherited st) and learned skills (acquired – acquired st), which can be used with abilities and attributes, but we’ll delve into this topic later.

Your initial choices of race and class will determine your base talent points and which abilities you can choose from. However, it’s important to note that certain abilities come with bonuses and penalties based on your race, class, and attributes. Therefore, it’s crucial to carefully consider where you allocate your base points and any earned thereafter.

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